Faculty Advisement

Each year the program requests the career interests of our interns and pairs them with a faculty member to help mentor and guide them in their career aspirations. The residents meet with the faculty to discuss their career plans, receive suggestions on how to develop a great CV and application, and how to partake in research in their specialty field if interested. The faculty are also a point of contact if the resident needs guidance during their training, help with study plans and other aspects of residency.

Specialty Interest Groups

Our program has developed Specialty Interest Groups, led by a subspecialty faculty member and upper level resident, which focuses on assisting residents who may be interested in pursuing fellowship or research opportunities.

Program Director Semi-Annual Meetings

Twice a year the Program Director and Associate Program Directors meet with each resident individually to discuss their progress in training, career interests, suggestions for program improvement, and overall well-being. This meeting allows the Directors to meet with the residents one-on-one to evaluate any needs and discuss suggestions the residents may have for the program. This is a wonderful platform for the program to generate new ideas to constantly evolve!


Each year the program coordinates bringing together an upper level resident with an incoming intern. This helps promote the congeniality of our program, helps the intern transition into their training, and offers guidance and mentoring throughout residency. Our interns love this as it helps ease the anxiety of starting their intern year and makes them feel apart of our working family.