The Augusta University Faculty Senate (AUFS) is an essential component of University shared governance. It is composed of an Executive Committee, Standing Committees, and Senators who represent the colleges and schools of Augusta University.
We represent faculty in shared governance as practiced at Augusta University.
The principle and practice of collaboration between administration, faculty, staff, and students in fulfilling the mission of Augusta University, based on collegiality, inclusivity, trust, accountability, and transparency (AUFS Executive Committee, July 2021).
Access the central repository for university-level policies and procedures.
University Policy LibrarySet of rules and guidelines of the Faculty Senate; Bylaws are reviewed every three years and are voted upon by the AUFS.
BylawsThe Statutes define the organizational structure of the university and its governance bodies.
Statutes of Augusta UniversityUse this form to suggest an agenda item for an upcoming AUFS meeting.
Suggest an Agenda ItemList of Faculty Resources provided by the Office of Faculty Affairs
Faculty ResourcesThe Executive Committee is charged with facilitating communications between faculty and the administration of the University and to assist in aligning AUFS activities to ensure the optimal support for faculty and the operations of the University.
The Executive Committee will set the dates and the agenda for Faculty Senate meetings and Assembly meetings.
The Executive Committee may propose new committees to serve the purposes of the Faculty Senate as part of shared governance. These committees must be approved by the Senate. The Executive Committee may also form ad hoc committees as needed to support the activities of the Senate, which do not require Senate approval. Other committees and work groups will be reviewed and incorporated in the AU system of shared governance as deemed appropriate.
For additional information about a particular committee, or to find out about joining, contact the Committee Chair.
Is "in part dictated by NCAA requirements. The committee is responsible for oversight of and development of policy recommendations on academic matters involving intercollegiate athletics."
AthleticsCooperates with administration on all matters related to university resources
Budget Advisory & University Resources