Many students may not realize that financial aid is a possibility for funding Study Abroad programs.  

The application process for aid for these programs is the same as our regular financial aid application process. It begins by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Other documents may be required as a result of completing the FAFSA, and it is important students check their POUNCE accounts to find out if these are needed. It is imperative to remember financial aid takes time to process, so students should apply as early as possible.

Students may only receive financial aid for Augusta University approved Study Abroad programs. 

Types of Aid

The same types of aid students can receive for regular tuition and fees is also available for Study Abroad. This aid includes Federal Pell Grant, Direct Loans and HOPE/Zell Miller Scholarships. These awards are always applied to any Augusta University tuition and fees owed first. Any credit remaining after tuition and fees are paid will be refunded to the student. This refund may be used toward Study Abroad Program costs and other trip expenses. 

Determining Factors

Financial aid awards are based on a variety of factors. These include Expected Family Contribution (EFC- as determined by FAFSA), grade level, hours of enrollment and other aid received. Students cannot receive financial aid in excess of their Cost of Attendance (COA). COA is the total amount it will cost a student to go to school. Typically, this includes tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and transportation. Students in a Study Abroad program may have their COA increased by their particular program’s cost. The Study Abroad Office is responsible for notifying the Office if Student Financial Aid (OSFA) of all participating students and their program costs. OSFA makes increases to COA as needed. 

Aid Limits

It is important to remember that there are funding limits for all types of aid awarded through Augusta University. Pell Grant recipients who attend full-time during fall and spring semesters and students who borrow their aggregate loan limits during fall and spring will not have eligibility for summer. HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarships are available to eligible students for up to 127 attempted hours. 

Timing of Disbursement

Timing of aid disbursement is very important. For example, students who attend a summer Study Abroad program may be required to pay their program costs before the end of spring semester. In these cases, applying for aid for fall and/or spring may be the best option. This way funds will be disbursed prior to payment deadlines.   

Transient Students & Consortium Agreements

Students attending Augusta University as a Transient student in order to participate in one of our Study Abroad Programs must apply for financial aid through their home institution. This is done by completing the financial aid application process at the home institution and requesting a Consortium Agreement be sent to Augusta University. Once received and program participation is confirmed (via registration for the Study Abroad program), the Augusta University OSFA will certify  and return the completed Consortium Agreement to the home institution. Students must be prepared to pay tuition, fees, etc. out of pocket at Augusta University. Financial aid will later be disbursed through the home institution. Transient students who have questions about their aid should contact their home institution.

Financial aid packages vary from student to student. Awards are based on the individual student’s status, aid eligibility, grade level and a variety of other factors. Students cannot assume their aid will be awarded identically to someone else in their program. 

Learn more about our Payment Policy.


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Study Abroad Office

Summerville Campus

Allgood Hall

AH E134


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