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Augusta University President Brooks A. Keel, PhD, announced the formation of this new transdisciplinary faculty research cluster in “inflammaging” and brain aging, which will be the focus of a three-year recruitment effort to grow the university’s research footprint.

As people get older, they experience a low-level of inflammation, described as “inflammaging,” driven by an increase in molecules in the blood called cytokines. This age-related inflammation has been linked to serious chronic diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, type II diabetes and cancer. The main feature of the aging process is chronic and progressive inflammation, which is a significant risk factor in morbidity and mortality. While most age-related diseases include inflammation, its potential cause and role in adverse health outcomes is still widely unknown.

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Transdisciplinary Research Initiative

Health Sciences Campus

College of Science and Mathematics Building

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About the Initiative

Augusta University is initiating cluster recruitment for faculty research positions to study age-related diseases. Two positions will be added to the Medical College of Georgia and one each to the School of Computer and Cyber Sciences, The Dental College of Georgia, and the colleges of Nursing, Allied Health Sciences and Science and Mathematics.

That number is expected to grow in years two and three with the anticipated recruitment of two additional faculty positions within MCG and one additional position in the other participating colleges each year.

It is a $15 million investment over three years and it will be recruiting up to 15 to 20 new faculty members. Many of the new researchers will be on the fourth floor of the university’s new College of Science and Mathematics building on the Health Sciences Campus.


Recruiting Outstanding Faculty

Building upon existing strengths in Precision Medicine, Personalized Nutraceuticals, Neuroscience, Inflammation and Bioinformatics including Artificial Intelligence, Augusta University is hiring 15-20 new faculty members.

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Dental College of Georgia

Oral Biology & Diagnostic Sciences

Assistant Professor • Associate Professor • Professor


Medical College of Georgia

Center for Biotechnology & Genomic Medicine

Assistant Professor • Associate Professor • Professor


Medical College of Georgia

Neuroscience & Regenerative Medicine

Associate Professor


Medical College of Georgia

Pharmacology & Toxicology

Assistant Professor • Associate Professor • Professor


Medical College of Georgia


Assistant Professor • Associate Professor • Professor


Medical College of Georgia


Assistant Professor • Associate Professor • Professor


Medical College of Georgia

Vascular Biology Center

Associate Professor


College of Allied Health Sciences

CAHS-IHS-PhD in Applied Health Sciences

Assistant Professor


College of Nursing


Assistant Professor • Associate Professor • Professor


College of Science & Mathematics


Assistant Professor • Associate Professor • Professor


Healthy Aging News

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The research team believes the answer may be in how stress hormones signal the skeleton to make more bone making cells instead of bone-dissolving ones

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Man in white coat and blue shirt watches and man with gloves pipes liquid into tube

Blocking a tiny RNA may forestall age-related bone and muscle loss, inflammation

MicroRNAs help regulate gene expression and consequently the function of our cells, and several, including one called microRNA-141-3p, have been implicated in the ills of aging.

Continue reading Blocking a tiny RNA may forestall age-related bone and muscle loss, inflammation
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Calculator that weighs individual’s risk/benefit of taking common osteoporosis drugs being developed

Physicians could use this "calculator" to help an individual patient determine how best to proceed.

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Microscopic blood vessel disease in the brain’s white matter associated with worse cognition in Alzheimer’s

Recent findings of MCG scientists and others suggest that some people with Alzheimer’s who have brain changes widely associated with the condition may not develop dementia without underlying vascular dysfunction.

Continue reading Microscopic blood vessel disease in the brain’s white matter associated with worse cognition in Alzheimer’s

Augusta University is proud to have many research studies funded by the National Institute on Aging.

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