As a student in the School of Computer and Cyber Sciences, your upper-division courses are held at the Georgia Cyber Center, providing you access to network and interact with partners in government, industry and academia. Additionally as a School of Computer and Cyber Sciences student, you have access to the resources available in various university departments such as the Academic Success Center and Career Services. These departments and others across campus are here to equip you for success during and beyond your college career!
During your enrollment at Augusta University, you have an academic advisor to guide you every step of the way from orientation to graduation. Be sure to contact your advisor each semester to confirm or update your graduation plan, discuss career goals, and resolve academic issues. They're always here to help you choose a path of success!
60+ Credit Hours
Known as the first and only existing international honor society for computing and information disciplines, Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) was founded at Texas A&M University in 1967. Augusta University chartered its chapter of UPE in October 2019 with seven charter members. Membership in UPE is limited to juniors and seniors who are in the top 35% of students in their major with at least a 3.3 GPA. For more information or questions about UPE, contact faculty advisors Dr. Shungeng Zhang or Dr. Edward Tremel.
Upsilon Pi EpsilonGirls Who Code is a nonprofit organization that aims to bridge the gender gap in the field of computer science. Through various educational programs, workshops, and initiatives, Girls Who Code empowers and equips young girls with the skills and confidence to explore and excel in the world of coding and technology. The organization's mission is to foster a more diverse and inclusive tech industry by providing girls with the opportunity to learn coding, problem-solving, and teamwork, ultimately preparing them for future careers in STEM-related fields.
Girls Who CodeDELTA LAMBDA DELTA is focused on programming language (PL) research in computer science. Our purpose is to strengthen PL research at AU, by promoting such research among the student body, discussing ideas, and broadening perspectives on modern PL research. If you are already interested in the theoretical aspects of computer science, or want to find out what kind of research there is to be done in computer science in general, this is the right place for you! We are here to help aspiring researchers become established in the PL research community and help each other with publishing and learning about PL. Even if you're not sure whether you want to become a researcher in the field, and just want to learn more, we will be happy to have you.
ΔΛΔThis organization, is a hub for passionate individuals in Cybersecurity and Computer Science. This hybrid club model merges in-person, and virtual interactions, through Discord and Zoom, fostering collaboration, networking, and shared learning. We offer a diverse event lineup, including general networking, computer science gatherings, and cybersecurity sessions. From hackathons to tech talks, the goal is to find and link members to events that also provide valuable insights and connections. Look forward to seminars led by professionals in the field, offering real-world perspectives. They are committed to helping you define your career path, finding certifications for you and guiding you toward success.
Cybersecurity and Computing ProfessionalsIn addition to these student organizations, students have the opportunity to participate in various competitions such as the Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition.
Are you struggling in a specific class? The Academic Success Center (ASC) is home to a variety of free support services including tutoring, academic coaching, success workshops for Augusta University students. If you have any additional questions about the ASC, please email Dr. Lorraine Evans.
The School of Computer and Cyber Sciences works very closely with our Career Services department to ensure you're ready for the work force upon graduation from Augusta University. School of Computer and Cyber Sciences students have a designated Career Services consultant who is available to assist students with career assessments/planning as well as offering graduate and professional school guidance. Our Career Services department hosts events throughout the semester for students to prepare them for success after graduating from Augusta University.
Career Services will host a variety of events for the Spring 2023 semester. Students can register for these events by contacting Career Services or visiting the events section of your Handshake profile.
Annual career fair for ALL students and alumni featuring area and regional employers and graduate programs recruiting students and graduates for current and future opportunities which include:
Approximately 300+ job seekers and over 70 organizations recruiting attend each year.
The Georgia Cyber Center, Augusta University's Riverfront Campus, officially opened on July 10, 2018. Phase One of the facility, the Hull McKnight Building, is the headquarters of the School of Computer and Cyber Sciences. All School of Computer and Cyber Sciences upper-division courses are held at the Hull McKnight Building. Here's what else you need to know as a student attending class at the Georgia Cyber Center.
What opportunities are available for you as a student of the School of Computer and Cyber Sciences, using this new facility? Here's what our faculty had to say: