Anthology/Campus Labs is an online system that Augusta University uses to enter, track, and monitor the planning and assessment activities for the enterprise as well as accreditation. 

Each assessment unit has access to this system for entering and providing regular updates to leadership. Anthology/Campus Labs has multiple modules, such as Planning and Accreditation, that are used by Augusta University.

Anthology/Campus Labs is designed to house annual unit goals, tactics, measures, and mid-year and annual reporting. The system links unit goals and tactics to the Strategic Plan to show alignment. Anthology/Campus Labs also is built to house student learning outcomes, measures, use of results, and annual reporting. The system allows supporting documentation to be uploaded, and a variety of standard reports are available for your unit to use throughout the planning and assessment cycles.


Need Assistance?

Please contact IE for assistance with Anthology/Campus Labs regarding Planning and Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs).

For assistance regarding Course and Faculty Evaluations, please contact Susan Floyd