Looking for data? Visit these websites for a comprehensive collection of information and data. Data may already be available to satisfy your request.

AU Facts

The official source for facts and figures about the people, programs and resources of Augusta University.

Augusta @ USG

Visit USG's website to learn more about student outcomes for Augusta University.


Visit the IPEDS institutional profile for Augusta University. 


Our data request process has changed.  Please click on the link below that best describes your request.

Request Wellstar Data (formerly AU Health)

Please note that all requests must fulfill a need specific to the Augusta University Health System. Some requests may require additional information and/or approval from a data steward, manager, or executive before proceeding. 

If you need patient data, use this link.

Request Alumni Data

Please allow 10 business days (*not* calendar days) to complete with grace room to review the final data and to provide any feedback, if needed.  Changes to your completed request will require additional days to respond.

Internal to the University (ServiceNow Data Request)

If you are an AU employee or student requesting University data for an official university-related purpose (i.e. part of your institutional role), you may request data via ServiceNow.  All requests must be approved by the data steward.  Some requests may require additional information and/or approval from a data trustee.  Because of this, please allow a minimum of 10 working days for your request to be completed.  Please note that research projects may also require approval from IRB and requestors should take that process into account when planning their timelines. 

External to the University

Government agencies, reporting agencies, and other external partners.  All requests must be approved by the data steward.  Some requests may require additional information and/or approval from a data trustee.  Because of this, please allow a minimum of 10 working days for your request to be completed.

Open Records Request

As allowed by state law, the Office of Legal Affairs is the designated, central open records office for Augusta University.

Request a survey

If you are an AU employee or student requesting to send a survey to all (or a large group of) students, faculty, and/or staff, you may request so via the Survey Request Form. The Designated Senior Official (DSO) must approve all requests. Some requests may require more information for approval. Please allow 10 working days for your request to be completed. Please note, if your survey is part of a research study requiring Institutional Review Board approval, the DSO approval letter must be part of the IRB application packet.