Nitish and Anish with CPR manikan

A course may be given the Experiential Learning (EXL) designation when all three criteria are met.
Criterion 1. Course has Three (3) Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
Course provides opportunities for students to meet the following SLO

  • Students will exhibit behaviors that distinguish competent professionals. 

AND at least two of the following SLOs:

  • Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively
  • Students will demonstrate problem-solving skills.
  • Students will apply leadership theory to their own experiences and observations.
  • Students will effectively work in teams

Students extract DNA from a kiwiCriterion 2. Course has an Experiential Learning Component (broadly defined) or Active
Learning Pedagogy. Examples are:

  • Service Learning
  • A group project that develops some aspect of leadership skills such as collaboration,
    communication, problem solving, etc.

Criterion 3. Course Pedagogy should include:
1. Intention – Experiences are carefully chosen for their learning potential, such as
deepening emergent skills, encountering novel and unpredictable situations or learning
from mistakes.
2. Engagement – Throughout the experiential learning process, actively engage the
learning in posing questions, assuming responsibility, taking initiative and constructing
3. Reflection – Reflection on learning (analysis, critical thinking, and synthesis) during and
after one’s experiences is an integral component of the learning process analysis.


Process for Applying the EXL Designation

During the scheduling process, faculty should communicate to their department scheduler any appropriate attribute(s) that should be assigned to a given course. Faculty are responsible for following the EXL criteria outline above.

Assigning Course Attributes