Recognized for infusing their classrooms with forward-thinking concepts, our faculty members are shaping the next generation of leaders.


photo of Dr. Richard Griner

Department Chair & Associate Professor
photo of Dr. Christopher Bates

Associate Professor
photo of Dr. Jennifer Cannon 

Associate Professor 
photo of Dr. Brandon Cromer

Associate Professor
photo of Dr. Evan Goldstein

Assistant Professor (Neuroscience Faculty)
photo of Dr. Jessica Hoffman

Assistant Professor 
photo of Dr. Paul Langridge

Assistant Professor
photo of Dr. Juan Ramiro Diaz
Dr. Juan Ramiro Diaz

photo of Dr. Maria Sabbatini

Associate Professor
photo of Dr. Cathy R. Tugmon

Associate Professor & Associate Dean of the College of Science & Mathematics

Part-Time Faculty

photo of Dr. Susan Blas
Dr. Susan Blas


Emeritus Faculty

Dr. Jim Bickert

  • Associate Professor Emeritus

Dr. Judy Gordon

  • Professor Emerita

Dr. Bruce Saul

  • Professor Emeritus

Dr. Russell Stulken

  • Associate Professor Emeritus

Dr. William Wellnitz

  • Professor Emeritus

Biology Staff

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Gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law, less the fair market value of the benefits received. The CARES Act which became law on March 27, 2020, may enhance the tax deductibility of your gift. Please consult with your tax advisor.