We offer engaging, hands-on experiences that prepare students for rewarding careers and fulfilling lives.
Follow your interests wherever they lead. Everywhere you look here, you’ll find ways to get resume-worthy experience, explore fields and topics that intrigue you, expand your horizons, help others, and create friendships that never fade.
You’ve got allies on your quest for success: the faculty, staff, and students at Pamplin College. We’re always here for you—ready to answer your questions, open doors to opportunities, and push you to grow. These relationships will help you thrive now and later in life.
Explore another country and experience another culture with hands on learning.
https://www.augusta.edu/studyabroad/programs.phpLive with other Pamplin students or take a sequence of courses with fellow first-years.
https://www.augusta.edu/fye/Represent the school to future students, alumni, donors, and the community.
/colleges/pamplin/experiences.php#ambassadorJoin some of our clubs to explore your interests and meet students who share them.
https://www.augusta.edu/student-life/organizations/Get on the job experience and build your professional network in the CSRA.
https://www.augusta.edu/pamplin/internship-fair.phpImprove communities and change lives through service and engagement.
https://www.augusta.edu/student-life/civic-engagement/Experience-based Education
When it comes to personal growth and building relationships with faculty, few experiences rival undergraduate research. In Pamplin, we call it "RSCA," which stands for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity. It refers to any educationally-beneficial project that students undertake alone or in small groups outside the classroom and under the mentorship of a faculty member.
Create a body of artwork, conduct research on a literary or historical figure, or analyze statistics on crime -- whatever form it takes, you'll benefit from close personal mentoring by a faculty member who is an expert in their field. You'll also likely come away with a professional or published work to advance your career or distinguish your application to graduate schools!
If you are an undergraduate student looking to deepen your skills in research, scholarship, or creative activity, you can visit the Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship and find new opportunities and faculty excited to mentor students.
https://www.augusta.edu/curs/Pamplin College’s Center for Social Science Research is a space for intellectual exchange among faculty and students interested in using social science to advance the common good.
https://www.augusta.edu/pamplin/cssr/Student publications are an excellent way to find your voice and strengthen your portfolio, and Pamplin College has a wide range to get involved with.
https://www.augusta.edu/pamplin/publicationsThe Pamplin Student Research and Travel fund supports undergraduate student Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity conducted under the direction of faculty. Proposals are accepted at any time.
https://augustauniversity.box.com/s/4f26pl6fjfcpykfi7yt971fdaebd5qdePamplin programs and departments offer unique hands-on learning learning opportunities for course credit, including The Agency in the Department of Communication, Mock Trial and Model UN in the Department of Political Science, and Writing in the Community, offered by the Department of English and Foreign Languages.
Get Involved
A leadership opportunity for students who are dedicated to serving and representing the Pamplin College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at Augusta University.
Ambassadors are responsible for helping welcome prospective students and their families to campus, assisting with new student orientations, and volunteering to represent the College at various campus and outreach events. The College is seeking student ambassadors from diverse backgrounds with proven academic success, character, communication skills, and enthusiasm.
2:30 PM - 4:30 PM