Chemical Safety requires that you follow these instructions if you are opening, vacating, relocating, or closing your laboratory. Or if you are doing a chemical ownership transfer.

New Researchers and Lab Openings

All new researchers are required to do the following prior to opening a laboratory:

Researchers Closing/Moving a Lab and Transferring Chemical Ownership

Laboratory Clearance Procedures

All researchers who are leaving Augusta University and/or closing a laboratory, transferring ownership of the laboratory to another researcher, or transferring chemicals to another researcher must notify the Chemical Safety Office in advance of the change to arrange for clearance of the laboratory and/or transfer of the chemicals. Upon clearance from the Chemical Safety Office, the following form must be completed.

Laboratory Clearance / Transfer Form

Chemicals must be handled in accordance with regulatory requirements when a laboratory is:

  • Moved to a new location
  • Responsibilities are transferred to another Principal Investigator
  • Closed permanently at Augusta University. 

Principal Investigator Responsibilities 

  1. Notify the Department Manager of your departure date. 
  2. Fill out the Laboratory Clearance/Transfer Form and return to the Chemical Safety Office.  
  3. Ensure all chemical containers are properly labeled (see the Chemical Safety Guide). 
  4. Tell the Department Manager if there are chemicals that may be useful to other departmental researchers. 
  5. Attach a list of the chemicals to be transferred. Chemicals not accepted in the transfer need to be processed and labeled for collection and disposal in accordance with the Hazardous Waste Disposal Procedures. Coordinate with the Chemical Safety Office for disposal of all chemicals remaining in the laboratory.  
  6. Schedule a final inspection of the laboratory with the Chemical Safety Office after the laboratory move is completed or permanently closed; a closed laboratory must be cleared through the Chemical Safety Office before a Principal Investigator can leave campus.

Department Manager Responsibilities 

  1. Notify Chemical Safety Office when laboratories within their department relocate/move, will be closing, or when responsibilities for a laboratory transfer to a new person. 
  2. Notify other department members when useable chemicals are available from a closing laboratory or a departing researcher's laboratory. 
  3. Ensure that hazardous waste collection and disposal procedures are followed as required in Hazardous Waste Collection and Disposal
  4. Ensure that all refrigerators, freezers, storage units, etc. have been cleared through EHS prior to departure of member and/or prior to reuse or surplus, or reoccupation of the laboratory. 
  5. Ensure that departing member's Laboratory Clearance/Transfer Form has been signed by EHS prior to commencement of exiting procedures.

Chemical Safety Office Responsibilities 

  1. Inspect all chemical containers, refrigerators, freezers, storage cabinets, etc. prior to closing of the laboratory, before the laboratory member has departed. 
  2. Collect all tagged chemicals for disposal. 
  3. Tag all freezers, refrigerators, or storage units, as empty and decontaminated, cleared for reuse, or surplus, prior to closing of the laboratory. 
  4. Sign departing member's Chemical Safety Clearance Form. 
  5. Adjust Chemical Tracking System Database to reflect the transfer of any chemicals/laboratories to other principal investigators.

Personnel Division Responsibilities 

Ensure that all principal investigators are cleared through Environmental Health and Safety prior to exit from Augusta University.

What if you have Biological Materials in the Lab?


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Chemical Safety Office

Health Sciences Campus

Environmental Health & Safety Building



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