Section of General Practice Residency

The Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University offers a General Practice Residency residency program with the ultimate goal of training better dental practitioners.  This one year certificate program includes service rotations in the Dental College of Georgia AEGD/GPR clinic and in the Medical College of Georgia Hospital.

The AEGD/GPR clinic is on the first floor in the Dental College of Georgia and is where residents treat comprehensive care patients.  This clinic is a fee for service clinic, which assimilates private practice.  This clinic has modern equipment and full-time chair side assistants.  Generalists and specialists are available for consultation and assistance as needed.  Experience in this clinic provides the residents with a base of knowledge and enhances skills beyond what is taught in a dental student program.

The program also provides inpatient and outpatient services to the Medical College of Georgia Hospital.  Residents deliver dental care to medically compromised patients, provide patient consultations to other hospital services and treat patients in the operating room.  This service provides residents the experience needed to treat seriously ill patients with confidence and to confer with physician colleagues to provide comprehensive care.

Off service rotations include anesthesiology, pediatric OR, and the emergency department.  The emergency department is a major trauma center, and dental residents are an integral part of the team.  Call is based on a rotation schedule; however, residents are allowed to take call from home.

Weekly seminars and journal clubs enhance the didactic program.  As well, research and teaching experiences are encouraged.

Upon completion of this program, residents should have confidence in all aspects of general dentistry.  This includes endodontics, implant dentistry, oral surgery, periodontics, prosthodontics, and management of the medically compromised patients.


photo of 
Geoffrey Thompson, DDS

Interim Program Director of General Practice Residency
photo of Jane F. Martone, DDS 
Jane F. Martone, DDS 

Assistant Clinical Professor
(706) 721-4025

General Practice Residency

photo of William Axtell, DMD
William Axtell, DMD

GPR First Year Resident
photo of Robert Crider, DDS
Robert Crider, DDS

GPR First Year Resident
photo of John Diaz, DMD
John Diaz, DMD

GPR Second Year Resident
photo of Asa Duggan, DMD
Asa Duggan, DMD

GPR First Year Resident
photo of Ali Hernandez, DDS
Ali Hernandez, DDS

GPR First Year Resident
photo of Daniel Johnson, DMD
Daniel Johnson, DMD

GPR First Year Resident
photo of Ryan Marder, DDS
Ryan Marder, DDS

GPR First Year Resident
photo of Joseph Moore, DMD
Joseph Moore, DMD

 GPR First Year Resident
photo of Karter Smith, DMD
Karter Smith, DMD

GPR First Year Resident
photo of Matthew Watson, DMD
Matthew Watson, DMD

GPR First Year Resident
photo of Bryce Westmoreland, DMD
Bryce Westmoreland, DMD

GPR First Year Resident
photo of Zachary Woo, DMD
Zachary Woo, DMD

GPR First Year Resident