Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

Diagnosis and Treatment Planning is the process of using critical thinking to decide which data obtained by taking a patient history and clinical examination are pertinent, and then organizing these pertinent data into a concise list of clinical problems. Continuing this process, the clinical problem list is then prioritized, and each clinical problem is matched with an appropriate treatment within the context of the individual patient's overall health and, equally importantly, personal preferences. In more complex treatment plans, the treatments are then appropriately sequenced.

The Section of Diagnosis and Treatment Planning within the Department of Restorative Sciences has the mission of integrating the academic philosophies of all clinical departments within the Dental College of Georgia in a manner that ensures that each patient receives care that is both up to date and appropriate to his or her individual circumstances. Concepts essential to developing feasible options for patients and ensuring the full disclosure to patients that is required to achieve meaningful informed consent are emphasized throughout the Diagnosis and Treatment Planning process.


photo of Alan Furness, DMD

Associate Professor 
(706) 721-8321 
photo of 
Veena Pannu, DDS

Assistant Professor 
photo of Rhoda Sword, DMD 

Associate Professor
(706) 721-8297