Augusta Campus - 18 months
Athens & Savannah Campuses - 2 years

Graduate Training, Years 3-6
Augusta University, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Georgia State University, University of Georgia

Clerkship & Enrichment, Years 7-8
Clinical Campuses 

System-Based Medical Training
  • Collaborative atmosphere
  • Practice analytical skills with standardized patients
  • Hands-on patient experience within the first few months
Longitudinal Clinical Experience
  • Clinical experience is integrated with graduated studies
  • Prior to re-entry into Medical Training, students will
    complete a "Capstone"
    course offered in the late fall of each
    academic year
Clinical Rotations 
  • 40 weeks of clerkships
  • 12 weeks of clinical selectives
  • 12 weeks of enrichment selectives
  • 14 weeks of electives
Laboratory Rotations
  • Explore different research laboratories
  • Complete course in Translational Medicine Research
Graduate School Training
  • Students increase the boundaries of knowledge through original
    research at one of four nationally-ranked universities

  • Training in Grant Fellowship: Preparation and Submission
  • Defend and earn a PhD then re-enter medical training


Medical Training Pre-Clerkship

Refer to the MCG Curriculum Office or the Augusta University Catalog for more details on the required courses, organization and administration of Years 1-2 Medical Training. Grading scale is Pass/Fail and MD/PhD students must maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA average. MD/PhD students are required to pass USMLE Step 1 prior to beginning Graduate Training.


Graduate Training 

Augusta University - The Graduate School

Students at Augusta University are encouraged to rotate through different laboratories during Year 1, which the MD/PhD program will assist with advising. Once a lab has been identified, a Graduate School Program Choice form and approved course schema must be submitted to the MD/PhD office 3 months prior to matriculation into The Graduate School.  Students will work with their Graduate Program Director to submit course waivers to receive credit for courses completed during their medical training for graduate courses.  Students must return to campus the June prior to re-entry to the Clinical Curriculum to complete the MDPH - Introduction to Clinical Clerkships course. The MD/PhD program, The Graduate School (TGS) and affiliated program will ensure a smooth transition from the MD phase to the Graduate phase and vice versa.
Refer to the Augusta University Catalog (TGS) for more details on required program courses or visit the Biomedical Sciences PhD program

Available AU graduate programs are:


Students at GA Tech, GSU, and UGA are expected to consult with their respective Graduate Program Directors for organizational and administrative details regarding their program. Students will work with the Graduate Program Director to submit course waivers to get credit for courses completed during their medical training years. Students must return to campus the June prior to re-entry to the Clinical Curriculum to complete the MDPH - Introduction to Clinical Clerkships course.

If you are interested in a PhD program that is not listed, then please get prior approval from the MD/PhD Program Directors.


Medical Training Clerkship and Enrichment

Refer to the MCG Curriculum Office for more details on the organization and administration of Medical Training. Grading scale is A-F and MD/PhD students must maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA average. Core clerkships take place at the Augusta University Medical Center, the Children's Hospital of Georgia and various affiliated hospitals and community-based teaching sites throughout the state. Students may rotate to affiliated community hospitals for part of the core curriculum. 

Below is the required curriculum of the graduating Class of 2024. The curriculum for the graduating Class of 2025 and future classes will be forthcoming. 

Clerkships - 40 weeks

  • Family Medicine (6 weeks)
  • Internal Medicine (6 weeks)
  • Neurology (3 weeks)
  • Obstetrics/Gynecology (6 weeks)
  • Pediatrics (6 weeks)
  • Psychiatry (3 weeks)
  • Surgery (6 weeks)
  • Emergency Medicine (4 weeks)

Clinical Selectives - 12 weeks

  • Ambulatory (4 weeks)
  • Critical Care (4 weeks)
  • Sub-I (4 weeks)

Enrichment Selectives - 12 weeks

  • Scholarly Project (4 weeks). This requirement will be waived for MD/PhD students. 
  • Advanced Clinical Selective (4 weeks)
  • Either a Scholarly Project OR Advanced Clinical Selective (4 weeks)

Electives - 14 weeks


  • Courses taken during the clerkship year count toward the above requirements
  • Advanced clinical Electives are any 4 week clinical elective (including away electives)
  • Students may complete up to 12 weeks of away elective to count as either Advanced Clinical Electives or general electives
  • Scholarly Project work done in excess of 8 weeks will count as general electives up to 4 additional weeks
  • Students are also scheduled to take the Step Prep course at the beginning of the upcoming year
  • Students will be required to take and pass both Step 1 and Step 2
  • Students will be required to take and pass the Clerkship CPA as well as participate in the Enrichment PCL course. This will not interrupt other courses.