Students who withdraw from all courses before completing 60 percent of the semester are entitled to a refund of a portion of tuition, mandatory fees and institutional charges.
The refund amount for students withdrawing from an institution shall be based on a pro rata percentage determined by dividing the number of calendar days in the semester that the student completed by the total calendar days in the semester. The total calendar days in a semester includes weekends, but excludes scheduled breaks of five (5) or more days and days that a student was on an approved leave of absence. The total number of calendar days in the semester includes weekends and exam periods. Calculations exclude scheduled breaks of five or more calendar days and days that a student was on approved leave of absence defined by federal regulations of the return of Title IV student aid funds. Students who drop individual courses are not entitled to a refund for the course(s) dropped; only students who withdraw from the institution in keeping with official withdrawal procedures established by the Office of the Registrar are eligible for refunds.
Institutional charges include tuition, activity fee, student health fee, on-campus housing, Campus Recreation Center fee, technology fee, microscope rental and any other equipment rental fee paid directly to the school. Parking fees, health insurance, disability insurance, fines, library charges, books, supplies, dues, liability insurance and any fee paid directly to a vendor on behalf of the student are not institutional charges and not included in refund calculations. Phase III of the Medical College of Georgia curriculum is defined by federal aid regulations as a modular curriculum. An individual clinical rotation, regardless of length, is a module. Students enrolled in modular curriculum who complete one or more modules during a semester are not entitled to a refund. In addition, students completing 60 percent or more of the total educational activities for the modules for which the student was registered at the beginning of the semester will not receive a refund. A refund of all non-resident fees, matriculation fees and other mandatory fees is payable in the event of a death of a student at any time during the semester. Full refunds of tuition and mandatory fees and pro rata refunds of electives fees will go to students who are:
Refunds to students receiving student financial aid will be coordinated with the Return of Title IV Funds regulations of the Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended, state scholarships and grant regulations, and the regulations of the individual private scholarships and loans, as appropriate.