Lab Personnel

photo of Varsha Tandra, PhD

Varsha Tandra, PhD

  • Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Funding:
  • AHA Title: Exploring protein ufmylation: from ER dinamics to ardiac homeostasis
photo of Maryam Rezaei Gazik, PhD

Maryam Rezaei Gazik, PhD

  • Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Funding:
  • AHA Title: Rhe role of UFSP2 in the homeostasis of the heart
photo of Yilang Li

Yilang Li

  • Postdoctoral Fellow
photo of Yang Cui

Yang Cui

  • Research Assistant (2024-present)
photo of Chang Min Lee

Chang Min Lee

  • Graduate Student (2023-present)




 2024 Member Activities & News

Carsha TAndra Basic Cardiovascular Scientific sessions

Dr. Varsha Tandra  received the New Investigator Travel Award at the BCVS 2024 Scientific Sessions, held on July 22-25, 2024, at the Hilton Chicago in Chicago.

Varsha Oral Presentation

Dr. Varsha Tandra was invited for an oral presentation at the Early Career Pre-Conference Session  of the Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions 2024 held on July 22-25 at Chicago, Illinois.

women smile and pose for camera

Dr. Varsha Tandra received 1st place award for the oral presentation of “Regulation of UFM1 modification from ER dynamics to cardiac homeostasis” at the 38th Graduate Research Day events held March 7-8.

Dr. Jie Li and Varsha Tandra


SAHR at the Asian Cardiovascular Symposium

Dr. Varsha Tandra served as a moderator for the Early Career Faculty Presentation session of the Society for South Asian Heart Research(SAHR) at the Asian Cardiovascular Symposium (CSA),a satellite meeting of  BCVS held on July 21st, at Chicago, Illinois.



woman smiles and poses for camera




Dr. Varsha Tandra received the Abstract Travel Grant award by the AHA Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences. 

American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2023 held November 11-13 at Philadelphia, PA