Have any questions? 706-721-6582 or cts@augusta.edu
For individuals with problems with remembering, problem solving, thinking, reasoning, and other mental tasks, often daily tasks such as grocery shopping are challenging. There is increasing evidence that with practice, these abilities (memory, problem solving, etc.) can be improved or at least kept from getting worse. The truer to life the practice environment, the better the results. However, there are often barriers to practicing daily tasks in the actual environment. For example, repeat trips to the grocery store to practice remembering a list of items would be time consuming for the individual and perhaps, not welcome by the store owner. The development of virtual environments such as virtual grocery stores might enable individuals to practice these tasks in a grocery store like environment from their home computer, laptop, or tablet. The purpose of the current study is to compare adult performance on a tests of everyday cognitive tasks related to grocery shopping (memory, price comparison, ingredient comparison, and errand planning) to performance on related tasks presented on a computer screen. If you would like to help with this study, you would be asked to perform different everyday tasks that relate to tasks you would perform in the grocery store (remembering a grocery list, comparing prices and ingredients in items in the grocery store, and planning the best route to take to get items on a grocery list). You would also be asked to complete paper-and-pencil cognitive tests of thinking, problem solving, attention, and memory. If you choose to take part in this study, you will come on 2 days for approximately 3 hours each day. All study activities will take place in the Augusta University Health Sciences building, Occupational Therapy Department on the second floor in the in the OT Environmental Life Laboratory, Room 2319. You must be 18 or older to participate. If interested, please contact: Leigh Lehman, llehman@augusta.edu, (706) 446-0009.