Study Enrollment

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Clinical Trial

The psychological and physiological outcomes of virtual reality exercise

My primary area of research stems from the study of exercised induced psychological and physiological adaptations from a psychophysiological framework (i.e., how a healhty body impacts a healhty mind and vice-versa). Utilizing theory-based, psychophysiological, self-report, and behavioral methodologies, my research has focused on developing a better understanding of how exercise makes individuals feel with a primary goal of improving exercise adherence. I am particularly interested in utilizing multimodal exercise programs to improve overall quality of life, help treat individuals of diverse backgrounds living with psychological disorders, and improve emotionally and cognitive health. The present study seeks to undersand the acute changes in physiological responses to myofascial release during exercise relative to a control condition.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Adults over 18 who are physically fit as determined by physical activity questionnaires. Inclusion/exclusion criteria will be assessed by the PI and decisions will be based on answers to physical activity questionnaires insuring minimal risk to participants. Sex will not be a factor in inclusion. Pregnancy will be an exclusion factor.

Contact Information

    Daniel R. Greene

    (706) 731-7910