Study Enrollment

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Clinical Trial

The Randomised Controlled Trial of Frontoparietal and Temporoparietal Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) for Severe Depression: The RAFT ECT Study

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is the most effective acute biological treatment for treatment resistant depression (TRD) but the use of ECT is limited by potential negative effects on mood and thinking. Frontal ECT is a new form of ECT that appears to have good outcomes on measures of depression with fewer effects on the patients cognitive ability. This study is being done to compare Frontal ECT to to Traditional ECT to determine if it will serve as a comparable treatment for TRD while preserving the patients mental processes. Patients who are at least 18 years old, have a diagnosis of major depression, have not responded or been intolerant to other depression therapies, and are interested iin electro-convulsive therapy as a form of treatment for their depressive symptoms may qualify for this study.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Inclusion 1. DSM-5 diagnosis of major depressive episode (unipolar or bipolar) 2. At least 18 years old 3. ECT indicated for treatment of depression Exclusion 1. History of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, other [non-mood disorder] psychosis, or rapid cycling bipolar disorcer (DSM-5 diagnoses). 2. Current manic episode, hypomanic episode, or major depressive episode with mixed features. 3. Alcohol or substance use disorder (other than caffeine or nicotine) present in the past 6 months, month, or is likely to be present during the 24-week study period as determined by study physician evaluation 4. Central nervous system disease or brain injury that has resulted in significant cognitive impact, as determined by study physician evaluation and medical history 5. If female of childbearing potential: a) pregnancy as determined by pregnancy urine screen, and /or b) current breastfeeding. 6. Received ECT during the past 2 months or failed an adequate course of ECT (i.e., 8 ECT treaments) in the current despressive episode or received any ECT during the past 2 weeks.

Contact Information

    Tess Dzurny

    (706) 721-1011