Study Enrollment

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Clinical Trial

A Multicenter Pilot Study to Evaluate Intermediate Health and Social Outcomes in Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Programs

The purpose of the research is to understand if victims of violence who participate in Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Programs (HVIPs) have better health and social outcomes than victims of violence who do not participate in HVIPs. Specific aim is to develop a multicenter trial allowing large-scale input of prospective, observational information from both centers with HVIPs and centers without HVIPs, creating a cohort of participants and non-participants and comparing early health and social outcomes among participants and non-participants. The hypothesize is that patients who participate in an HVIP program after suffering a gunshot wound, stab wound, or physical/sexual assault will demonstrate an improved social determinants profile and will have engaged in more community-based programming than patients who do not participate in HVIPs six months after the violent event. We will create a registry database.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Inclusion Criteria: * Patients must be a victim of a gunshot wound, stab wound, or physical assault. * Speak English * Age > 18 years old Exclusion criteria: * Do not speak English * Pregnant * Incarcerated or in police custody * Mentally-impaired * Age < 18 years old

Contact Information

    Terence O'Keeffe, MD

    (706) 721-7702