Study Enrollment

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Clinical Trial

CT7001: A Modular, Multipart, Multiarm, Open-label, Phase I/IIa Study to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of CT7001 Alone and in Combination with Anti-cancer Treatments in Patients with Advanced Malignancies

The CT7001 Trial is made up of several parts, called modules, which will run as separate studies. The main goal of the CT7001_001 trial is to find the safest and most effective dose of CT7001 and then test this dose in different cancers and possibly in combination with other cancer medicines. The study which you are invited to participate in is called Module 2 Part A for breast cancer.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Subjects must be postmenopausal Histologically confirmed diagnosis of carcinoma of the breast with evidence of metastatic or locally advanced disease, not amenable to resection or radiation therapy with currative intent. Subjects may not have had prior therapy with fulvestrant.

Contact Information

    Joanne Huff

    (706) 721-5177