Study Enrollment

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Clinical Trial

Facial Recognition Software to Identify Facial Features that Predict Difficulty of Mask Ventilation and Intubation.

We will be using a 3D scan to scan the face of participants to determine difficulty of mask ventilation, a very important procedure in anesthesia. We plan to scan the faces with a simple password protected phone equiped with 3D scanning. Images will then be de-identified and uploaded to the research Box folder. These images will then be processed to make antropometric measures which will be used to integrate in an algoryhtm to predict difficulty in mask ventilation.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Inclusion criteria for participants will include: age greater than 18 years old, undergoing general anesthesia, males and females. Exclusion criteria will include: facial hair, missing teeth, diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea).

Contact Information

    Klifford Alexander Rocuts Martinez

    (706) 621-6537