Study Enrollment

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Clinical Trial

APX001-201: An Open-Label Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of APX001 in Non-Neutropenic Patients with Candidemia, with or without Invasive Candidiasis, Inclusive of Patients with Suspected Resistance to Standard of Care Antifungal Treatment

This study will evaluate the safety and efficacy of a new drug, APX001, to treat adults without neutropenia who have candidemia, with our without invasive candidiasis that is suspected or confirmed to be resistant to standard of care antifungal treatment.

Eligibility Criteria

  • INCLUSION: 1. Adults age 18-80 years (inclusive) 2. New diagnosis of candidemia based on a blood sample EXCLUSION: 1. Absolute neutrophile count <500 ]2. Presence of certain medical conditions not allowed by the study 3. Test results outside of the ranges allowed by the study

Contact Information

    Aprile Osborn

    (706) 721-0309