Public Health Grants Mentoring Program
The IPPH Grants Mentoring Program prepares participants to compete successfully for
extramural funding.
Applications are welcome from Augusta University faculty members of any rank whose
research interests broadly align with public health. Applicants should not have previously
received significant extramural research support as Principal Investigator. The 2-year
program provides a systematic training experience that includes workshops, seminars,
and staged guidance on proposal preparation. Periodic reports and presentations track
participant progress through program milestones. Successful program completion includes
submitting an extramural grant through IPPH.
Public Health Grants Mentoring Program Flyer
Resources Provided by IPPH
Seminars and Workshops
Including group sessions, informal network opportunities, structured mock grant reviews,
and individualized feedback on grant concepts and responding to grant reviews.
External & Editorial Review
IPPH will provide an external review of grant proposals and professional editing services
prior to grant submission.
Pre-Award and Post-Award Services
For (a) identifying funding opportunities, (b) budgeting, (c) grant proposal coordination,
(d) submission, and (e) Post Award grant management
Research Support
Up to $1000 to support preliminary data collection and/or analysis for grant proposals.
Up to $2000 for conference travel to present research or to connect with collaborators.
Application Process
Interested faculty members should submit a single pdf packet by June 10, 2024 (extended from June 1, 2024) which includes:
One page statement of interest from applicant detailing:
- Why you are interested in this program?
- Primary Research Agenda
- How does your research interests relate to public health?
- 2-3 specific public health-related research questions that could serve as the basis
for a grant application
- Potential funding sources for an extramural application, if known
- Two examples of your relevant scholarly work that support your research interests
(e.g. pdfs of publications)
- Curriculum Vita (please include any grants submitted or awarded, if applicable)
- Letter of support from Department Chair
Apply: Submit pdf Packet
Selection Process
Participants are selected based on:
- Track record of publications and scholarly works.
- Preliminary development of a focus research agenda in a fundable are of interests.
- Letter of support from Department Chair
Striving to Serve and Train
IPPH strives to improve health and has many programs to help researchers striving
to do the same.
Grants Mentoring Summer Scholars