The graduate certificate is designed to provide you with a solid introduction to the philosophical, clinical and policy foundations of bioethics.
The program will enrich your study of public health, medicine, nursing, or health humanities and provide a foundation for more advanced study of bioethics for professionals in any discipline. You will learn from and work closely with experts with a wealth of experience and expertise across the interdisciplinary field of bioethics. Those who complete the program will be well prepared for a variety of roles in which ethical skills play a critical role, including membership of hospital- or research-ethics committees; careers as the health professionals or policy makers; businesses that require agile, critical thinkers; or as organizational or community leaders who require the skills to advocate for particular people or causes. The certificate will be completed concurrently with your current degree program.
This certificate will offer an understanding of bioethics with elements of cultural competency and critical thinking. All students take a common course in bioethics. Students will have the opportunity to choose to investigate two further issues of gender, religion, cultural competency, medical and health humanities, or pastoral care with a choice of elective courses. A capstone experience will demonstrate what they have learned and will augment one of their final courses.
The Certificate in Bioethics is 10 Credit Hours Total
Every effort should be made to take courses from at least 3 different instructors.
Foundational Course (Required): 3 Hours |
PHIL 6004: Contemporary Issues in Bioethics (3 Credit Hours) |
Electives: Choose at least two (or more) from the following courses, 6 Hours/2 courses+ |
ANTH 5851: Religion, Culture and Society (3 Credit Hours) |
ANTH: 5870: Identity: Sex, Gender and Class (3 Credit Hours) |
FMPC: 6001: Bioethics Scholarly Activity (with approval) (12 Credit Hours) |
FMPC 6003: Bioethics Practicum (12 Credit Hours) |
HIST 6111: History of World Religions (3 Credit Hours) |
HIST 6600: Early Medical History (3 Credit Hours) |
HIST 6610: Modern Medical History (3 Credit Hours) (FA - listed as 6950) |
PSYC 6191: Ethical Issues in Psychology (3 Credit Hours) |
NURS 7985: Independent Study Topic Course of End-of-Life (3 Credit Hours) (interdisciplinary, open to all grad. students) |
NURS 8140: Responsible Conduct Research (PhD - 1 Credit Hour) |
NURS 8250: Health Care Policy Implications for Advanced Practice Nurse (DNP - 2 Credit Hours) |
NURS 8500: Philosophical foundations of Nursing Science (PhD - 3 Credit Hours) |
NURS 8551: Complex Issues in Health Care Delivery (DNP - 2 Credit Hours) |
SOCI 6436: Intimate Partner Violence (3 Credit Hours) |
If on an appropriate topic, ATH 6950; COMM 6950; HIST 6950; NURS 7985; PHIL 6950; PSYC 6950; or SOCI 6950: Topics Course (3 Credit Hours) |
Other approved course(s) for substitution (3 Credit Hours) |
Capstone Course: 1(-2) Hour(s) |
Most Capstone Courses will be 1 Credit Hour, but if a student is short an hour, a
capstone may be taken for 2 hours with the advisor's approval and with adjustments
to the course requirements as appropriate. Capstone projects are either papers or posters of graduate-level research into a bioethical
issue (about 5000 words or 8 double-spaced pages)
ANTH 6950; COMM 6950; HIST 6950; PHIL 6050; PSYC6950, or SOCI 6950: Topics Course
as capstone (1-2 Credit Hours)
NURS 7985: Topics Course as capstone (1-2 Credit Hours) FMPC 6002 Bioethics Capstone (with approval)
You must be a graduate or medical student at Augusta University in good standing at the time of application. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. You will be notified via email of the decision by the Graduate Certificate in Bioethics Oversight Committee.
How to Apply:
Candace Best, PHD
Angela Bratton, PHD
Anthony Chackal, PHD
Elizabeth Culatta
Aaron Johnson, PHD
Paul Mann, MD
Elena Prendergast, DNP
Carrie Reif-Stice, PHD
Ashley Saucier, MD
Wendy J. Turner, PHD
Any student in good standing at Augusta University currently pursuing a graduate or medical degree.
You will complete the program at your own pace during your current studies. All requirements must be completed with passing grades prior to completing your graduate or medical degree.
You may be able to complete the Foundations in Bioethics course via live webinars and completing all required coursework and communicating with the courses directors through email, and phone conferences. You would need to choose two additional courses that can be completed as an independent study. You would complete a capstone under the mentorship of a faculty member via phone and video conferences and email. For more details contact
As a full time student in a graduate program or the Medical College, the cost of the program is covered by your standard tuition and fees for your respective program.