Echo360 is a lecture capture system which allows the recording of lectures, meetings, speeches, and other events. You can then edit recordings of your desktop, audio and video, and display these in an easy-to-use interface for your students.
Augusta University also supports integration of Echo360 videos with Brightspace LMS.
The first time you use Echo360, you will be prompted to download the Echo360 Universal Capture software and install it on your device.
Note, these accounts are not auto-provisioned. Please contact the IT Help Desk to submit a support request to set up your account as well as set up capture schedules with your Instructional Systems Analyst (ISA).
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Are all classroom lectures recorded automatically?
No, they can be pre-scheduled via an Echo360 appliance or Echo360 application on the PC, or done Ad Hoc in the room from the PC Echo360 application. There is even the option to Echo360 Livestream --this would be a pre-scheduled option for users to select.
Which classrooms have Echo360 Lecture Capture?
Can I record lectures from my own computer?
Yes, as long as you have access to an internal or USB microphone and Echo360's Universal Capture: Personal - software. Optionally, you may also include presenter video from your webcam. Recording and publishing is all handled with the Universal Capture software. For tips on how to download and use this software go to Universal Capture Quick Start Guide.
How do I edit transcripts that are automatically generated with Echo360's ASR technology?
Echo360 is working on an in-line transcript editing service which will make it even easier to edit your Echo360 transcripts as well as applying your transcripts to captions. Until they release this feature, you can edit transcripts by downloading them and editing with a text editor. Please see our how-to instructions on how to edit transcripts and apply them to your captures in Echo360.