Application Period for Summer 2025 Semester Opens March 14, 2025
The TAP Application link is only open during these periods.
Please note: If the end date should fall on the weekend, applications will be due on the Friday prior to that date. It is possible the application period will open prior to the dates below. Please check this site to confirm the exact application dates for each semester.
*Spring Semester 2025 is now closed. Summer 2025 application period will be open March 14, 2025 to April 15, 2025.
The Board of Regents and Augusta University are committed to helping University employees pursue growth and development. The Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) is designed to promote professional growth and development of full-time University employees.
Tuition assistance is the waiver of up to nine (9) hours of tuition and certain fees per semester for employees, who are enrolled in courses on the Augusta University campus and at other University System of Georgia (USG) institutions.
You must first be accepted into an eligible program or institution before applying for TAP.
The Tuition Assistance Program is available to full-time university employees who meet the following requirements:
icon Full-time (100% Work Commitment)
icon Completed 6 Continuous Months of Regular Employment
icon Working Towards a Degree
Such eligibility for all employees participating in TAP must exist by the application deadline.
TAP covers up to 9 hours each semester, including summer.
TAP participants may enroll in distance learning and web-based courses offered by the University System of Georgia. If the tuition for these courses is greater than the System-approved normal tuition amount, USG institutions may elect to waive only that portion of the tuition that does not exceed the System-approved normal tuition amount. An employee will be responsible for paying the remainder of the tuition cost.
Augusta University employees and faculty applying for TAP benefits who are living out of state, will need to apply for the USG Employees and Dependents Out of State Tuition Waiver and also file the TAP waiver.
For the Out of State Tuition waiver, the Augusta University Registrar's Office requires that an application be submitted to the Registrar's Office at the same time or before TAP paperwork is submitted.
The federal government currently allows up to $5,250 annually, in employer-provided educational assistance benefits, to be “tax free” to TAP participants. Undergraduate educational assistance benefits are generally excluded from tax reporting or withholdings. Graduate educational assistance benefits are excludable from tax reporting and withholding up to $5,250 annually. Graduate educational assistance in excess of $5,250 will generally be subject to tax reporting and withholdings except under certain circumstances. This amount will be included in your wages (Box 1 of your Form W-2). A tax professional should be consulted for further information concerning taxable tuition. Any employee who believes that they are eligible to exclude graduate education costs in excess of $5,250 must apply by completing the Graduate Student Tax Waiver Application.
Access the USG 7.3.4 Out-of-State Tuition Waivers and Waiver of Mandatory Fees policy
TAP Information Session Module