Teaching Endorsements


Computer Science Endorsement


Requires that the candidate hold initial certification.

  • EDTD 6500 Exploring –K-12 Computer Science Standards and Curriculum
  • EDTD 6501 Computer Science Education and Pedagogy I
  • EDTD 6502 Computer Science Education and Pedagogy II

Related Documents:

Track Sheet

Contact Information:

Dr. Amy Williamson

ESOL Endorsement



Requires that the candidate hold initial certification. 

In order to add the ESOL Endorsement, the student must hold initial certification in a teaching field. 

Must have one year of teaching experience.

  • EDTD 6276 ESOL Methods, Materials, and Assessment in Content Classrooms 
  • EDTD 6277 Understanding Cultural Issues and Ethics in ESOL Education 
  • ENGL 6620 English Linguistics
Related Documents:

Track Sheet

Contact Information:

Dr. Karen Collier

Gifted In-Field Endorsement


Requires that the candidate hold initial certification.

The Gifted Endorsement may be added to a valid teaching certificate in Georgia and consists of 9 semester hours of graduate work at Augusta University. Students take:

  • EDUC 6271 Introduction to Gifted Education
  • EDUC 6272 Assessment of Gifted Learners
  • EDUC 6273 Curriculum and Program Design for Gifted Learners
Related Documents:

Gifted Endorsement Form

Contact Information:

Dr. Gordon Eisenman

PBIS Endorsement


Requires that the candidate hold initial certification.

In order to add the PBIS Endorsement, the student must hold initial certification in a teaching field. The required graduate course for the PBIS Endorsement are:

  • EDTD 6610  Foundations of Effective PBIS
  • EDTD 6620 Improving PBIS in the Classroom
  • EDTD 6630 PBIS Multi-Tiered Systems and Clinical Practice
Contact Information:

Dr. Gordon Eisenman

Reading Endorsement


Requires that the candidate hold initial certification.

In order to add the Reading Endorsement, the student must hold initial certification in a teaching field. The required graduate course for the Reading Endorsement are:

  • EDTD 6120 Basic Instruction in Literacy
  • EDTD 6222 Current Best Practices in Literacy
  • EDTD 6223 Applications of Effective Reading Strategies
Related Documents:

Track Sheet

Contact Information:

Dr. Karen Collier

STEM Education Endorsement


The STEM Endorsement may be added to a valid teaching certificate in Georgia and consists of 9 semester hours of graduate work at Augusta University. Students take: 

  • EDTD 6033 Integrative STEM/STEAM Education
  • EDTD 6044 Integrative STEM/STEAM Education: Driving Forces
  • EDTD 6055 Integrative STEM/STEAM Education: Clinical Experience
Related Documents:

Track Sheet

Contact Information:

Dr. Karen Collier
Phone: 706-737-1496

Urban Education Endorsement

In order to add the Urban Education Endorsement, the student must hold initial certification in a teaching field. The endorsement is PSC-approved and consists of 9 credit hour of graduate work at Augusta University:

  • EDUC 7010: Critical Issues in Urban Education Policy and Practice
  • EDUC 7011: Youth Identities in Urban School Contexts
  • EDUC 7012: Critical Praxis in Urban Educational Contexts
Related Documents:

Track Sheet
Urban Education Endorsement Flyer
Urban Education Endorsement Information Sheet

Contact Information:

Dr. Kelly Allen
Phone: 706-737-1497

Computer Science Endorsement Disclosure Statement

Augusta University offers several online degree, certificate, and endorsement programs. These programs are designed to meet the criteria for certification, endorsement, and advancement in the subject matter and grade level classifications established by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. Each state board establishes their own criteria for teacher/leader certification, which, in addition to educational requirements, may include (but are not limited to) testing requirements, mandatory certifications, minimum years in service, background checks, applications and fees. For questions relating to state board requirements for certification in your state, please contact the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

ESOL Endorsement Disclosure Statement

Augusta University offers several online degree, certificate, and endorsement programs. These programs are designed to meet the criteria for certification, endorsement, and advancement in the subject matter and grade level classifications established by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. Each state board establishes their own criteria for teacher/leader certification, which, in addition to educational requirements, may include (but are not limited to) testing requirements, mandatory certifications, minimum years in service, background checks, applications and fees. For questions relating to state board requirements for certification in your state, please contact the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

Gifted Endorsement Disclosure Statement

Augusta University offers several online degree, certificate, and endorsement programs. These programs are designed to meet the criteria for certification, endorsement, and advancement in the subject matter and grade level classifications established by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. Each state board establishes their own criteria for teacher/leader certification, which, in addition to educational requirements, may include (but are not limited to) testing requirements, mandatory certifications, minimum years in service, background checks, applications and fees. For questions relating to state board requirements for certification in your state, please contact the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

PBIS Endorsement Disclosure Statement

Augusta University offers several online degree, certificate, and endorsement programs. These programs are designed to meet the criteria for certification, endorsement, and advancement in the subject matter and grade level classifications established by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. Each state board establishes their own criteria for teacher/leader certification, which, in addition to educational requirements, may include (but are not limited to) testing requirements, mandatory certifications, minimum years in service, background checks, applications and fees. For questions relating to state board requirements for certification in your state, please contact the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

Reading Endorsement Disclosure Statement

Augusta University offers several online degree, certificate, and endorsement programs. These programs are designed to meet the criteria for certification, endorsement, and advancement in the subject matter and grade level classifications established by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. Each state board establishes their own criteria for teacher/leader certification, which, in addition to educational requirements, may include (but are not limited to) testing requirements, mandatory certifications, minimum years in service, background checks, applications and fees. For questions relating to state board requirements for certification in your state, please contact the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

STEM Endorsement Disclosure Statement

Augusta University offers several online degree, certificate, and endorsement programs. These programs are designed to meet the criteria for certification, endorsement, and advancement in the subject matter and grade level classifications established by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. Each state board establishes their own criteria for teacher/leader certification, which, in addition to educational requirements, may include (but are not limited to) testing requirements, mandatory certifications, minimum years in service, background checks, applications and fees. For questions relating to state board requirements for certification in your state, please contact the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

Urban Education Endorsement Disclosure Statement

Augusta University offers several online degree, certificate, and endorsement programs. These programs are designed to meet the criteria for certification, endorsement, and advancement in the subject matter and grade level classifications established by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. Each state board establishes their own criteria for teacher/leader certification, which, in addition to educational requirements, may include (but are not limited to) testing requirements, mandatory certifications, minimum years in service, background checks, applications and fees. For questions relating to state board requirements for certification in your state, please contact the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

Education Endorsement License Disclosure 

Federal Regulation 34 CFR 668.43 (a) (5) (v) and 34 CFR 66.43 (c) require disclosure by all educational institutions regarding educational requirements for programs leading to professional licensure or certification.  Please carefully review the information provided in the program's disclosure statement for Education Endorsement.

Contact Us

Prospective Student Inquiries
Allison Timmons 

Application and Admissions Inquiries 
Program Manager and Certification Officer