A maximum of 9 semester hours of graduate work from an accredited institution may be transferred into a graduate program at Augusta University. At the time of admission, the student must discuss the transfer hours with the advisor and file a formal request with the chair of the department of the discipline of the course(s) being considered for transfer hours to be included in the program of study.
Course Credit may be accepted for transfer if:
All requirements for the Master of Arts in Teaching degree, the Master of Education, Master of Science, and Education Specialist must be completed within five years of the first semester of enrollment.
All requirements for the Doctor of Education must be completed within seven years of the first semester of enrollment.
If a student is not enrolled in any College of Education program for three consecutive semesters, that student is required to complete any curricular changes made to the program.
Students in the Doctor of Education Degree Program must meet all academic standards of the College of Education and The Graduate School, to include a requirement to maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 each semester and overall. A minimum grade of B (or satisfactory in courses graded S and U) must be earned for each course applying toward the Ed.D.
Students whose semester or cumulative GPA falls below a 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. While on academic probation students must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA each semester. The student will have two consecutive enrolled semesters to re-establish a cumulative 3.0 GPA. Any student making less than a 3.0 GPA for more than one semester, consecutive or otherwise, will automatically be dismissed.
Student’s earning a “U” or “C” in any course will be required to repeat the course and/or participate in faculty-designed remediation. Remediation plan may include enrolling in and satisfactorily completing an Independent Study. Failure to remediate the academic probation can result in dismissal from the program.
Any student who earns a “C” and/or “U” in more than one course during their enrollment will be considered for dismissal. Students who earn a “D” or “F” in any course of the Ed.D. are automatically dismissed from the College. When circumstances are warranted, a student being considered for dismissal under this policy may be permitted to continue as a student on probation upon the recommendation of the academic program director and approval of the Dean.
Any student dismissed from the College of Education/The Graduate School may appeal the action in accordance with the Augusta University policy.
Good Standing: A student must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0 throughout his/her graduate program. Only a grade of C or better will be counted as successful completion of a course for the graduate program. A grade of D or less will be counted in the cumulative GPA. A student must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA in order to graduate.
Probation: A student who fails to maintain the required average will be placed on “academic probation.” In order to remain in the graduate program, the student must reestablish the cumulative grade point average of 3.0 during the next semester of enrollment.
Suspension: A student who is unable to remediate the grade point average after one semester will be placed on “academic suspension” for a period of one semester.
Reinstatement: To apply for reinstatement, the student must meet with the advisor(s), prepare a formal plan to address the academic problems, and submit a letter of appeal for readmission to the department chair of the appropriate program after one semester of academic suspension.
Dismissal from the Graduate Program: If a student is suspended for the second time, the student will be dismissed from the graduate program. A student who has been dismissed may petition for readmission to the graduate program after one calendar year from the date of dismissal. A new application for the graduate program must be accompanied by a letter of appeal for admission.
Good Standing: A student must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0 throughout his/her graduate program. Only a grade of C or better will be counted as successful completion of a course for the graduate program. A grade of D or less will be counted in the cumulative GPA. A student must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA in order to graduate.
Probation: A student who fails to maintain the required average will be placed on “academic probation.” In order to remain in the graduate program, the student must reestablish the cumulative grade point average of 3.0 during the next semester of enrollment.
Suspension: A student who is unable to remediate the grade point average after one semester will be placed on “academic suspension” for a period of one semester.
Reinstatement: To apply for reinstatement, the student must meet with the advisor(s), prepare a formal plan to address the academic problems, and submit a letter of appeal for readmission to the department chair of the appropriate program after one semester of academic suspension.
Dismissal from the Graduate Program: If a student is suspended for the second time, the student will be dismissed from the graduate program. A student who has been dismissed may petition for readmission to the graduate program after one calendar year from the date of dismissal. A new application for the graduate program must be accompanied by a letter of appeal for admission.
No grade below C will be accepted in coursework that leads to adding a certification field or an endorsement to a teaching credential.