For those who have seen their patient before review your patient's medical history
from your prior notes and prepare a tentative plan for your telehealth visit. Take
into account you will not have EMR access to be able to review new events since your
last visit. This information will need to be obtain during your interview. For those
seeing a new patient develop a plan for an initial encounter with a patient when unable
to review chart information.
Review the SP patient information in case your patient does not show.
Recorders must complete your patient's note by 5:00 PM the day after your patient
encounter and sign/submit your note to Clinical Experience Preceptor and partner in
a [secure] email. If this is not completed on time, you will lose professionalism
Students will be scanning the cardiac and IVC views on their PCE partner/colleague. This
involves placing the ultrasound probe on the chest wall. Please make sure you review
the images required prior to your PCE day and complete the attestation to serve as
a student ultrasound volunteer in your pre-quiz.