CEPaR offers a variety of training courses to help prepare for Critical Events within the Augusta University Community. For more information on any of these training opportunities, contact John Ryan, 706-495-6958.
The DECON course is a 2-day Operations level course designed to teach first receivers to perform hospital-based decontamination under OSHA Operations Level requirements. Participants are taught aspects of decontamination from event recognition, personal protective equipment (PPE), donning and doffing PPE, ambulatory decontamination, litter decontamination, surveying techniques, and other important aspects of decontamination.
DecontaminationAnswer the nation’s call to action and participate in the initiative to encourage, equip and empower bystanders in a bleeding emergency. This training will educate the lay person, allowing them to assist in emergency care until professional help arrives.
Stop the BleedOpportunity for hands on training for the proper use of the Med Sled in evacuations and emergency situations.
Med SledThe Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. CERT offers a consistent, nationwide approach to volunteer training and organization that professional responders can rely on during disaster situations, which allows them to focus on more complex tasks. Through CERT, the capabilities to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters is built and enhanced.
CERTIn the event of an emergency, all employees need to know if they are designated as 'Essential' or 'Reserved'. If you have any questions about your status, please contact your supervisor.
Employees who have been designated as Essential Personnel are required to report to their designated work location or department during an emergency to ensure the operation of essential functions. This includes even when the university and/or parts of the Health System have suspended operations.
Employees who have not been designated as essential and who may be excused from duty for the duration of closure, unless otherwise instructed by their supervisor.
Note: Reserved employees may be recalled to work depending on the circumstances and duration of an event
Not applicable (see Essential Personnel definition)
Each department/unit leader is expected to declare which of the departmental employees are essential. This is done upon hire and then reviewed routinely as per policy.
Employees who have not been designated as essential and who may be excused from duty for the duration of closure, unless otherwise instructed by their supervisor.
Note: Reserved employees may be recalled to work depending on the circumstances and duration of an event
Emergency Preparedness Checklist
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Augusta Chapter of the American Red Cross
Pet and Animal Emergency Planning
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Georgia Department of Public Health
HURREVAC National Hurricane Program