Handshake is the Augusta University's online job and internship database.
Handshake hosts thousands of jobs, internships, and other experiential learning opportunities.
You can schedule career coaching appointment, RSVP for events and search for internships,
part-time and full-time jobs, from your computer or mobile device.
Accessible with your student NetID, Handshake is the official Augusta University Career
Services job search and event management platform that links students and recent graduates
to employment opportunities with over 600K employers, including 100% of the Fortune
Includes part-time campus student employment listings
Part-time and full-time positions locally, across the region, and U.S.
Internship listings by employers
Career Services workshops and fairs to register for
Marketing and Advertising Specialist, WJBF News Channel 6
I utilized Career Services to my advantage when building my resume, and LinkedIn profile. After visiting Career Services, I was shocked with how my resume appeared; very professional. It advertised that I was interested in seeking out an internship opportunity with Channel 6. This may seem demanding, but I see it as determined, goal-oriented, and dedicated. Not only did Shameka Middleton help me with my resume, but she advised me on how to approach the interview, and the confidence I needed to overcome difficult questions during the interview. She also recommended I shape and mold my LinkedIn profile to appear appealing to employers. After I did this, I was beyond confident in how I advertised my profile. I ended up getting the interview and confidence in my performance is an understatement. I would not have been prepared for this moment had I not visited Shameka M. The result of it all, I got the job!