Dual Enrollment gives high school students the opportunity to earn high school credit while taking college classes in-person, online, or on-site at their high school, thus allowing them to gain firsthand college experience and a head start on their academic future. Advisement and registration for Dual Enrollment students involves the student, the High School Counselor, and Augusta University working together with the student assuming ultimate responsibility for communication and registration.
Dual Enrollment students are required to meet with their High School Counselor first to discuss potential course options and to have their GAfutures Funding Application approved. Meeting with an Augusta University Academic Advisor is not required but students who wish to do so can by scheduling an Advisement Appointment by emailing dualenrollment@augusta.edu.
Search course offerings and their real-time availability by semester
Dual Enrollment students work with their High School Counselor and Augusta University to complete their registration for class. Only students who have been accepted to Augusta University and have completed their enrollment steps will be granted access to register.
Augusta University cannot guarantee course availability but will work with students to meet their academic needs.
Augusta University Campus and Online Registration
On-Site at High School Registration
Dual Enrollment students are responsible for completing their registration for class each semester. Students will require a PIN to register or adjust their schedule from the day registration opens until the first day of the semester. Adjustments to the student’s schedule can be made during the Add/Drop period by connecting with the Dual Enrollment Academic Advisor.
Registration for Summer and Fall semesters begin in March. Registration for Spring semester begins in October. Late registration for all semesters closes on the final day of the Add/Drop period.
Things to remember:
For additional help with Registration, visit the Registrar or contact us as dualenrollment@augusta.edu.
Dual Enrollment students must meet with their High School Counselor prior to registration and have their courses approved in GAfutures. Students without approved courses in GAfutures will not be provided with their registration PIN.
All Dual Enrollment students taking class on the Augusta University campus or online will register themselves. Students taking class on-site at their high school will work with their High School Counselor and Augusta University to be registered.
Students cannot register for courses not approved by their High School Counselor and will be dropped from any courses they register for outside of their approved JagTrax plan.
Dual Enrollment students can adjust their schedule on their own from the day registration opens to the first day of class. During the Add/Drop period, Dual Enrollment students must submit all schedule adjustments to their Academic Advisor.
Before adjusting your schedule or dropping a course you were advised to take, always consult your High School Counselor and Academic Advisor; dropping a course could have a significant impact on your high school graduation requirements.
We hope your registration for class is a smooth process, but we understand that sometimes there can be obstacles to overcome. Should you encounter any issues or have additional questions, please reach out to our office at dualenrollment@augusta.edu or 706-737-1632.