Student Life and Engagement is excited to offer students the opportunity to sharpen their leadership skills, serve their community and have fun while doing it!

Student Learning Outcomes

Our student leaders will:

  •  Be able to state their personal values and affirm the shared values of their organizations.
  •  Recall the five best practices of becoming an exemplary leader and associate it with a real life scenario.
  •  Extend their campus involvement by joining other student organizations or take on more responsibility in their existing memberships.

Leadership Opportunities

Master Leader logo

Master Leaders Cohort

The Master Leaders is a cohort based extended learning program designed for students to learn about leadership and demonstrate skills through service.

Master Leaders Cohort
Students listen to former Augusta Mayor Deke Copenhaver

Leadership Luncheon Series

This leadership series provides students with an opportunity to hear personal success stories from leaders within their future fields.

Leadership Luncheon Series
Team leader with high school students

Summer Leadership Program

Our High School Leadership Camp is a summer, on-campus experience filled with fun engagement for our future leaders.

Summer Leadership Program