The mathematics program at Augusta University offers a variety of student opportunities to help students develop their skills and knowledge in mathematics. These opportunities include:
These opportunities allow students to gain hands-on experience in mathematics, network with professionals in the field, and develop their research skills. They also help students to explore their career options in mathematics and to prepare for graduate school.
In addition to these formal opportunities, the mathematics department also encourages students to get involved in the mathematics community on campus. There are many opportunities for students to connect with other students and faculty, to attend mathematics events, and to participate in mathematics-related activities.
The mathematics program at Augusta University offers a wide range of opportunities for students to develop their skills and knowledge in mathematics. These opportunities help students to prepare for their future careers and to make a positive impact in the world.
The goal of advising is to help students select an academic program that will best meet the student's needs, interests, and career plans. Students will consult with an advisor, and develop a plan that satisfies all departmental, collegiate and University requirements. The role of the advisor is to assist the student in planning, and to monitor the student's progress.
Creativity, Discovery, Engagement
Provides opportunities for undergraduates to explore careers and pathways in the field of Mathematics
UrlApply for scholarships, fellowships and other opportunities that will make a major difference in your career
UrlUp to $8,000 per year are available to assist academically talented students
UrlIf you need help reviewing for your math test or need a different take on some math topic, then the SciMath Tutoring Center is here for you. We offer free tutoring to any student enrolled in a math course at Augusta University. No appointment is needed. Our student assistants can help with statistics, quantitative reasoning, algebra, precalculus, calculus, and more.
The SciMath Tutoring Center is located in room 1046 of the Science and Mathematics Building on the Health Sciences Campus.
Not on the Health Sciences Campus? No problem! Tutoring in most first and second year math classes is also available at the Academic Success Center located in room 156 of University Hall on the Summerville Campus.
If you have any additional questions contact Dr. Brooke McGuire, Faculty Advisor.
The departmental exam for the spring 2024 semester for MATH 1111 is scheduled for
Wednesday 8 May, 5:00-7:00 PM. The location of your exam will be announced later.
MATH 1111 students are expected to take the exam at the scheduled time. Here are a
few important facts about the departmental final exam:
1. The “Instructional Method” of your section as listed in the course schedule determines
how you will take your final exam
a. Technology enhanced: in person
b. Fully at a distance: online or in person, ask your instructor
c. Entirely at a distance: online
2. The final exam will have 25 questions.
3. The final exam will count for at least 20% of your course grade.
Practice final exams can be found at the following web page:
If an undue hardship makes it impossible for you to take the exam at the regularly
scheduled time you may request an incomplete (I) for the course grade from your instructor.
Conflict with work will not ordinarily be considered an undue hardship. Your instructor
makes the decision whether to approve your request or not. Incompletes are
discouraged and will be given only with sufficient and convincing documentation
The departmental exam for the spring 2024 semester for MATH 1113 is scheduled for
Wednesday 8 May, 2:00-4:00 PM. The location of your exam will be announced later.
All MATH 1113 students are expected to take the exam at the scheduled time.
The “Instructional Method” of each section as listed in the course schedule determines
how students will take their final exam:
a. Technology enhanced: in person
b. Fully at a distance: online or in person, ask your instructor
c. Entirely at a distance: online
Practice final exams can be found at the following web page: Students must show their work on all problems on the final exam to receive full credit.
If an undue hardship makes it impossible for you to take the exam at the regularly
scheduled time you may request an incomplete (I) for the course grade from your instructor.
Conflict with work will not ordinarily be considered an undue hardship. Your instructor
makes the decision whether to approve your request or not. Incompletes are
discouraged and will be given only with sufficient and convincing documentation.