Extracurriculars: Editor of Augusta University student newspaper, The Bell Ringer, multiple local news
Personal statement: "I'm a journalist at heart. I've always had a passion for news - learning and sharing
information with others. I enjoy writing, photography, film and learning how to communicate
with others effectively."
“Always strive to learn something new. Look for ways to sharpen your communication skills and grow from internship experiences. Remember to practice positivity!”
Extracurriculars: Filming, creating, and editing a LEGO YouTube channel with videos over 300k views.
Personal statement: "I love video and photography editing, and the courses here have provided me with
tons of experience in those fields.
“Find the thing that interests you and pour your heart and soul into it.”
Extracurriculars: Riley runs for the Augusta University cross-country and track team.
Personal statement: "Writing, speaking and presenting with other like-minded people is such a highlight."
“Be diligent and time-conscious! It's easy to let things get away from you, but the comm major requires one to be self-disciplined.”
Extracurriculars: Arionna is currently interning at local TV new station WRDW.
“Surround yourself with people who are in different career fields so you can learn more than what you already know. Take the opportunity that is presented to you, even if it’s not exactly what you want to do. It could change your life.”
Extracurriculars: Hosts Augusta University's "Sports Squad" podcast.
Personal statement: "I found that being a Communication major opens a wide variety of doors and opportunities for success in school and in the job market."
“Do not be afraid to put yourself out there to build a network with others. You never know where it could take you.”
Career Interest: Student Affairs, Higher Education
Extracurriculars: Black Student Union - Activities Chair, Student Research Assistant, CURS Intern,
Pamplin Student Ambassador, Lambda Pi Eta - President
Favorite Classes: Theoretical Perspectives
Scholarship: Jenny York Scholarship
“I like the diversity I've experienced being a Communication major. From the variety of students I've had the privilege to interact with, to the many sub-disciplines under Communication, I've enjoyed being exposed to it all.”
Career Interest: Filmmaker
Extracurriculars: Writing & producing screenplays
See award-winning short film
Favorite Class: Intro to Filmmaking
I love collaborating with other like-minded individuals who want to create something beautiful, and the program offers me the chance to do that.
Career Interest: Broadcast, Radio, or Public Relations
Extracurriculars: AU Orientation Leader, Pamplin Student Ambassador, Student Leadership Challenge,
Lambda Pi Eta
Favorite Classes: Interpersonal Communication & Public Relations
“I like how all of the Communication classes are hands on. You do not just sit in a classroom and listen to a lecture, you experience what you are learning. The professors want students to do well and achieve their goals and they go above and beyond to make sure we do.”
Career Interest: Journalism / Media Production
Extracurriculars: Augusta Sailing Club
Favorite Class: Ireland Study Abroad
I love being a Communication major because of the wide range of professional skills this department teaches you. This major allows for you to build on your writing abilities while at the same time preparing you for the professional world.
Career Interest: Theater / Film
Extracurriculars: AU Theatre Productions - Actor, Crew; Theatre Guild - Officer
Favorite Class: Acting I
Scholarship: Elsie Solomon Hirsh Memorial Scholarship
I like that I have access to some of the most caring professors on campus that allow me to get the best education for my future.
Career Interest: Public Relations for Aquarium / Marine Biology Research
Extracurriculars: Set-up and execute golf tournaments
Favorite Class: Fundamentals of Human Communication
I was always very shy and reserved, however, being in this major has brought me out of my shell in ways I never thought possible. My teachers and peers are always encouraging and I love the creative aspects that can be found in nearly every facet of the major.
Career Interest: Film
Extracurriculars: Five Study Abroad trips, Student Assistant - Communication, honor societies, cinematographer
and short film collaboration
Favorite Class: Japanese Cinema
Scholarship: Pamplin Talent Scholarship
I like being a Communication major because it places emphasis on what I find most interesting: creating connections between people. Communication is an art that goes back to the beginning of humanity; it is ever evolving, and it encapsulates the human experience.
Career Interest: Film & Media
Extracurriculars: President – Black Student Union, Pamplin Student Ambassador, Founder - Enactus
Favorite Class: Television Production
I chose Communication because I enjoy communicating with others. I feel that through communication, understanding is gained. Whether a business is trying to promote themselves to the public or a friendship is trying to stay afloat, communication is key in all aspects of life.
Career Interest: Documentarian
Extracurriculars: Online & Design Editor – Bell Ringer, Pamplin Student Ambassador
Favorite Class: History of Mass Media
I like being a Communication major because many think it is easy, but I am able to prove them wrong. I enjoy showing them that this major requires dedication and hands-on experience that will be useful in future endeavors.”
Career Interest: Social Media Director or Public Relations with Part-Time Theatre
Extracurriculars: AU's Theatre Productions - Actress, Crew
Favorite Class: Narrative Reporting
What I love most about being a Communication major is that you can see the students and faculty have a close relationship with each other.
Career Interest: Film Industry - Editor, Cinematographer, Director, Set Crew, or Screenwriter
Extracurriculars: SPFX Makeup & Playing with my dogs
Favorite Class: Writing for Theatre – a surprising revelation to me
Scholarship: Connie Vance Scholarship
I chose Communication because I wanted to from the beginning, but instead originally chose majors I thought were more practical. It’s not really practical though to exert energy on subjects you’re not very good at while avoiding what you’re naturally inclined towards. I like Communication because I have a lot of creative freedom.”
Career Interest: Marketing Brand Coordinator
Extracurriculars: Phoenix Contributor, Pamplin Student Ambassador
Favorite Class: Theoretical Perspectives
“What I like most about being a communication major is that we can express ourselves with our creativity, whether writing, broadcasting, drawing or cinema. There is no limit to what we can do.”