Postdoctoral Fellow accepted as scholar in the UCLA HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse and
Trauma Training Program (HA-STTP):
Ryan E. Flinn, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow in AU’s Department of Psychiatry and Health
Behavior, was accepted as an incoming scholar in the NIDA-funded HIV/AIDS, Substance
Abuse and Trauma Training Program (HA-STTP) at UCLA. The goal of this program is to
refine the research skills of junior investigators who conduct research on underrepresented
populations and prepare them to submit and receive NIMH grant funding. Dr. Flinn will
join the 2021-2023 training cohort consisting of three fellow scholars and one affiliate
scholar, all of whom are early career researchers from across the US. Scholars will
attend biannual training institutes at UCLA and receive ongoing mentorship from institute
faculty. Dr. Flinn will also be granted $10,000 to fund a pilot study of a novel intervention
to improve well-being among people living with HIV in our community.
Dr. Flinn received their doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology from New Mexico
State University and completed their predoctoral internship in Health Service Psychology
at The Ohio State University’s Counseling and Consultation Service. Dr. Flinn’s work
with Dr. Lara Stepleman, Professor and Chief of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry
and Health Behavior at AU, focuses on providing psychotherapy and behavioral health
consultation to patients living with HIV, including those who identify as LGBTQ+,
conducting LGBTQ+ health research, and offering training and consultation to the AU
community on these topics.