EMED 5093 - Adventures in Global Health- A Virtual Medical Trip
Over the course of nine weeks, students will be led on a virtual medical trip by several
faculty members with extensive experience leading medical teams in the developing
world. Students will help plan and execute a simulated medical outreach trip in an
area of need. Topics will range from travel preparation to dealing with on the ground
emergencies, and the challenge of patient care in resource limited settings. Sessions
will be interactive and focused on group discussion with minimal time spent on didactic
lectures. Hands on activities are also planned such as setting up and running a mobile
Grade Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory, Audit
Credit Hours: 1
Lecture Hours: 1
Repeat Status: No
Degree Restrictions: Doctor of Medicine
EMED 5007 – International and Travel Medicine
Prerequisite: Successful completion of third year of medical school. This will be
a supervised clinical experience with students engaging in patient care under the
direct supervision of faculty trained and familiar with travel medicine, clinical
tropical medicine, and medicine in the developing world.
Grade Mode: Normal, Audit
Credit Hours: 7
Lecture Hours: 2
Repeat Status: No
Degree Restrictions: Doctor of Medicine