Diverse, capable, engaged faculty are our most valuable resource in academic medicine.
Still, a recent 2017 report on faculty engagement by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) found that, within the next 1-2 years, more than 30 percent of faculty were preparing to or considering leaving their current institution. There are not only significant financial costs to faculty turnover, but faculty turnover impacts students, clinical teams, patients, and the internal and external perceptions of the institution.
Providing retention supports to faculty are critical, especially for those at higher risk of leaving, including faculty who are nontenure clinical track, underrepresented minorities in medicine, and women. Additionally, understanding and demonstrating ongoing efforts to address the challenges associated with an increasingly demanding health care environment for clinical faculty and a significantly more competitive grant environment for research faculty are crucial.
"Employee engagement is the art and science of engaging people in authentic and recognized connections to strategy, roles, performance, organization, community, relationships, customers, development, energy and happiness to leverage, sustain and transform work into results."
Faculty Retention Resources
View research and resources on faculty retention
Faculty satisfaction is made up of complex set of factors related to the individual, relationships, and organizational culture. In the 2017 AAMC report, the following factors were associated with academic medical faculty’s overall satisfaction with their medical school:
Because addressing faculty retention requires a strategic, multidimensional approach, the Office for Faculty Success within Faculty Affairs is working closely with a number of committees, groups, and department/units at MCG and Augusta University that focus on faculty governance, well-being, development, promotion and tenure, diversity and inclusion, and compensation and benefits.
Initiatives by the MCG Office for Faculty Success include: