Steps to Take
First-year students who are interested in participating in JJSP should:
Space in the JJSP program is limited– to ensure small class sizes and special academic and social programming at no additional cost to you. Students who complete their contracts will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
After receiving your program invitation, please submit your acceptance agreement and enrollment deposit in your application portal. After, you will begin additional enrollment steps such as completing your online welcome, registering for orientation, submitting your New Jag Survey, and applying for housing. Please visit your portal for more information on these important enrollment steps.
Jaguar Jumpstart Program
Summerville Campus
Suite 331
Additionally, students will be billed for an AU Meal Plan (commuter or residential). The JJSP meal plan is unique to commuters and residential students. Commuting students are provided one-swipe daily for use at Atrium or the JSAC food court [up to $8.50 value] and $150 Flex Dollars. The meal plan for residential students provides the aforementioned lunch swipe plus dinner for service Mondays-Thursdays at the Atrium and $250 Flex Dollars for weekend meals. Any unspent dining dollars on the residential plan will rollover to the fall semester.
JJSP students will be billed for six credit hours and summer fees (Term 3). Detailed information about tuition and fees »
How the Registration and Financial Process Works
Check in for Housing students is scheduled for Wednesday, June 25th.
Residential Housing Move-In DateALL incoming students MUST attend an Orientation. The orientation designated specifically for JJSP will be on Thursday, June 26th.
Orientation DayAll JJSP Students MUST attend the Meet and Greet Day on Friday, June 27th.
All events will take place in the Williams JSAC Ballroom unless noted.
JJSP Students are invited to a Meet and Greet Breakfast at 8:00 a.m.
"Meet your JJSP Staff and Mentors, Overview of Summer Program & Goals, Meet your Summer Faculty" at 9:00 a.m.
Lunch in the JSAC Cafe (Meal plans/Flex dollars can be used) @ 11:30 a.m.
After lunch: "Take Care of Business", getting ready for the first day of classes on June 30th.
Students, please bring a technology device (iPad or laptop). Laptops are available for checkout by AU students with a valid JagCard at the IT Information Desk in Reese Library.
Classes begin on Friday, June 27th, and end on Wednesday, July 30th.
*No classes on Thursday July 31st: Reading Day
Final Exams are Friday, August 1; Monday, August 4 (TBD by your professor).
Each Friday morning, JJSP explores experiential learning opportunities designed to engage you in service learning, major exploration or out-of-class course content.
*No Experiential Learning Friday: Friday July 4th (Independence Day Observed); Friday August 1st (Final Exams)
All JJSP students are invited to participate in Social Weekends, hosted by First and Second Year Experiences. You will enjoy activities while having fun and socializing with your JJSP friends! Dates TBD.
As part of the JJSP learning community, you will enroll in 6 credit hours for 5 weeks this summer to get a jumpstart on college! These courses are held Monday – Thursday 9:00AM – 3:00PM and Friday (experiential learning/fieldtrip days). Attendance is important, as each day is worth 4 days in a regular term. The professors selected for JJSP have a proven track-record of successful teaching and student-centeredness. They will plan in class and out of class activities for you.
After classes are over, you are free to use the Academic Success Center for homework/study help or academic coaching. The Writing Center will be open (virtually) for tutoring in the afternoons and evenings. Think of college as your job - try to get everything done during the day so you can enjoy your evenings.
NOTE: Academic Advisement creates course schedules for all First-Year students. After completing your JAG survey, your Advisor will place you in courses that align with your major and interests.
First-year students are allowed to live in the residence halls. Living on campus is convenient, plus you will be able to meet other students and take advantage of the many resources and services available to you.
As Augusta University’s oldest and largest Learning Community, JJSP students will live on one hall, will have a designated RA and mentors assigned to assist you in your transition to college and special summer programming.
After you pay the deposit, you will receive an email from University Housing about how to apply for on-campus housing for JJSP and for fall semester. A non-refundable fee for housing registration is required. Contact Housing and Residence Life at 706-729-2300 or for more information.