Wei Zhang

Assistant Professor

Wei Zhang

Assistant Professor

Academic Appointment(s)

Department of Computer & Cyber Sciences

School of Computer and Cyber Sciences
Department of Computer & Cyber Sciences


Dr. Wei Zhang is an assistant professor in the School of Computer and Cyber Sciences at Augusta University. Our primary research interest concentrates on interdisciplinary studies of state-of-art machine learning and computational neuroscience, more specifically identifying functional connectivity networks via functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). We have contributed to the field by advancing the machine learning approach and cutting-edge optimization techniques to investigate the hierarchical functional connectivity in humans, as well as applying innovative approaches to clinical translational application on neurodegenerative disease.

  • RV2218


  • Ph.D., Computer Science. University of Georgia, 2019

  • MENG, Engineering, Other Tongji University, 2013

  • BE, Automation Engineer Technology Tongji University, 2009

Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year

  • CYBR 2600

    Networking & Cyber Security

Teaching Interests

Machine Learning, Numerical Optimization, Data Mining


Selected Recent Publications

  • SENDER: SEmi-Nonlinear Deep Efficient Reconstructor for Extraction Canonical, Meta, and Sub Functional Connectivity in the Human Brain, 2022
  • DEMAND: Deep Matrix Approximately NonlinearDecomposition to Identify Meta, Canonical, and Sub-Spatial Pattern of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Human Brain, 2022
  • SADAM: Stochastic Adam, A Stochastic Operator for First-Order Gradient-based Optimizer, 2022

Research Interests

Unsupervised Learning, Matrix Decomposition, Deep Learning, Convex/Nonconvex Optimization, Evolutionary Computation, and Computational Neuroscience

Department Service

  • Faculty Recruitment Committee 2022 - 2023

    Role: Attendee, Meeting

Professional Service

  • The Second Xiangya Hospital/Meta-Radiology 2023 - 2024

    Role: Reviewer
  • Neurocomputing 2022 - 2023

    Role: Reviewer
  • Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society 2023 - 2023

    Role: Reviewer
  • Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2023 - 2023

    Role: Reviewer