Department of Computer & Cyber Sciences
School of Computer and Cyber Sciences
Department of Computer & Cyber Sciences
I am an assistant professor of Computer Science in the School of Computer and Cyber Sciences at Augusta University. I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Louisiana State University in 2021. Before that, I received my B.E. degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2014.
My research interests lie in the field of distributed systems, cloud computing, and cybersecurity, which focuses on improving the performance and scalability of large-scale web applications and IoT stream processing systems to simultaneously achieve both good performance and high resource utilization efficiency in the cloud.
In my research, I actively adopt sophisticated timeline analysis methods with fine-grained monitoring data to find and study the transient bottlenecks which could lead to the long tail latency problem of the web-facing applications in the cloud. The transient bottlenecks (even with a very short lifespan such as 50ms) could lead to significant performance loss caused by the propagation and amplification effect, which is due to the complex dependency chains among components in web-facing applications. By correlating the transient bottlenecks with observed system performance metrics (e.g., throughput and load), the system can identify and remove the transient events which cause transient bottlenecks and bring better scalability and elasticity to web applications in the cloud.