Randy Singer

Assistant Professor

Randy Singer

Assistant Professor

Academic Appointment(s)

Department of Biological Sciences



My research program currently focuses on systematics, biogeography and ecology of fishes and my personal taxonomic/geographic groups of interest have included, but are not limited to: southeast Asian loaches (Acanthocobitis, Paracanthocobitis, Schistura), North American coastal and inland fishes and deep-sea fishes (multiple taxa). I also have an interest in museum collection practices, policy and technology. I have helped to refine techniques for rehydrating dehydrated museum specimens and worked on various curation methods in fishes. I also serve on multiple museum, university and scientific community-based committees.


  • Ph.D., Ecology University of Florida, 2019

  • MS, Zoology/Animal Biology University of Florida, 2013

  • BS, Ecology University of Georgia, 2008

Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year

  • BIOL 3100


Teaching Interests

Natural History
Museum Studies

Research Interests

My research focuses on systematics, biogeography and ecology of fishes using a combination modern data from fieldwork and historical data from natural history specimens. I am also involved in the development of natural history collections new technologies and best practices.

Selected Publications:

Kolmann, M. A., Nagesan, R. S., Andrews, J. V., Borstein, S. R., Figueroa, R. T., Singer, R. A., ... & López‐Fernández, H. (2023). DiceCT for fishes: recommendations for pairing iodine contrast agents with μCT to visualize soft tissues in fishes. Journal of Fish Biology, 102(4), 893-903.

Brownstein, C. D., Kim, D., Orr, O. D., Hogue, G. M., Tracy, B. H., Pugh, M. W., Singer, R.A & Near, T. J. (2022). Hidden species diversity in an iconic living fossil vertebrate. Biology letters, 18(11), 20220395.

Singer, R. A., Ellis, S., & Page, L. M. (2020). Awareness and use of biodiversity collections by fish biologists. Journal of Fish Biology, 96(2), 297-306.

Monfils, A. K., Krimmel, E. R., Bates, J. M., Bauer, J. E., Belitz, M. W., Cahill, B. C., Singer, R.A. & Zaspel, J. M. (2020). Regional collections are an essential component of biodiversity research infrastructure. BioScience, 70(12), 1045-1047.

Quattrini, A. M., Demopoulos, A. W., Singer, R. A., Roa-Varon, A., & Chaytor, J. D. (2017). Demersal fish assemblages on seamounts and other rugged features in the northeastern Caribbean. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 123, 90-104.

Singer, R. A., & Page, L. M. (2015). Revision of the zipper loaches, Acanthocobitis and Paracanthocobitis (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae), with descriptions of five new species. Copeia, 103(2), 378-401.