Robert Cromer

Associate Professor

Robert Cromer

Associate Professor

Academic Appointment(s)

Department of Biological Sciences

College of Science and Mathematics
Department of Biological Sciences


Dr. Cromer earned his PhD (2005) and MS (1999) in Forestry/Wildlife Biology from Clemson University. His BS was earned at the University of South Carolina Aiken in 1996. His research interests focus on vertebrate ecology.

  • (706) 667-4573
  • SCI E2017


  • Ph.D., Forest Management/Forest Resources Management Clemson University, 2005

  • MS, Forest Management/Forest Resources Management Clemson University, 1999

  • BS, Bio, General University of South Carolina -, 1996

Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year

  • BIOL 4430

  • BIOL 4100

    Principles of Ecology
  • BIOL 4990

    Undergrad Research
  • BIOL 1102

    Environmental Biology
  • BIOL 1102L

    Environmental Biology Lab
  • BIOL 3310

    Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
  • CURS 3990

    Undergrad Research II


Selected Recent Publications

  • A breeding population survey of the red-headed woodpecker in a fire-adapted ecosystem, 2012
  • Association of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) populations and deer ticks (Ixodes scapularis) in urban and rural settings in the Central Savannah River Area, 2012
  • Survey of a Breeding Red-headed Woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) Population in a Fire-Adapted Ecosystem , 2011
  • Turtles and Telemetry: A Study on Interaction Between Species, 2011
  • Distribution and Status of Uncommon Mammals in the Southern Appalachian Mountains , 2010

Department Service

  • Committee for BIOL 1108 Lab Development 2016 - 2017

    Role: Attendee, Meeting

College Service

  • Curriculum Committee 2016 - 2017

    Role: Attendee, Meeting

University Service

  • Study Abroad Committee 2016 - 2017

    Role: Attendee, Meeting

Public Service

  • Friends of the Euchee Creek Greenway 2017 - 2017

    Role: Member