Mohamed Ibrahem

Assistant Professor

Mohamed Ibrahem

Assistant Professor

Academic Appointment(s)

Department of Computer & Cyber Sciences

School of Computer and Cyber Sciences
Department of Computer & Cyber Sciences


Dr. Mohamed Ibrahem is an Assistant Professor at the School of Computer and Cyber Sciences, Augusta University, USA. He received a Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Tennessee Tech. University, USA, in 2021. Dr. Ibrahem received the Eminence Award for the Doctor of Philosophy Best Paper from Tennessee Tech. University, USA. His research interests include Security and Privacy in IoT Environments (Smart Grid, E-Health, Vehicular Networks, IIoT), Applied Cryptography, Privacy-preserving (Secure) Machine Learning Training and Evaluation Machine Learning for Cyber-security, Secure Federated Learning, Secure data aggregation, Traffic analysis attacks, and countermeasures, Cyber-Physical Systems Security.


  • Ph.D., Engineering, General. Tennessee Technological Univer, 2021

Awards & Honors

  • Eminence Award for the Doctor of Philosophy Best Paper Tennessee Technological University, 2021

Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year

  • CSCI 8940

    Dissertation Research
  • CSCI 8510

    Independent Study
  • AIST 3720

    OS Concepts & Administration

Research Interests

- Security and Privacy in IoT Environments(Smart Grid, E-Health, Vehicular Networks, IIoT)
- Applied Cryptography
- Privacy-preserving (Secure) Machine Learning Training and Evaluation
- Machine Learning for Cyber-security
- Secure Federated Learning
- Secure data aggregation
- Traffic analysis attacks and countermeasures
- Cyber-Physical Systems Security.