Fenwick Nichols
Academic Appointment(s)
Medical College of Georgia
Department of Neurology
- (706) 721-1691
- (706) 446-0152
- BI 3076
MD, Medicine
Medical College of Georgia, 1976
BA, Chemistry, General
Duke University, 1972
Awards & Honors
2020 Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine Exemplary Teaching Award Graduate Medical Education
2020 Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine Exemplary Teaching Award Undergraduate Medical Education
Medical College of Georgia, 2020
Lifetime Achievement Award
Medical College of Georgia Faculty Senate, 2020
2019 Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine Exemplary Teaching Award Medical Students
Medical College of Georgia, 2019
2018 Medical College of Georgia School of medicine Exemplary Teaching Award Medical Students
Medical College of Georgia, 2018
Courses Taught Most Recent Academic Year
Teaching Interests
Carotid duplex, Transcranial Doppler ultrasound
Sickle Cell and stroke
Selected Recent Publications
- New CT measurements to assess decompression after hemicraniectomy: A two-center reliability study., 2020
Journal Article, Academic Journal
- A Simplified Quantitative Method to Measure Brain Shifts in Patients with Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke., 2018
Journal Article, Academic Journal
- Waxing and waning of white matter hyperintensities., 2017
- A standardized method to measure brain shifts with decompressive hemicraniectomy., 2017
Journal Article, Academic Journal
- Case report of optic atrophy in Dentatorubropallidoluysian Atrophy (DRPLA)., 2015
Journal Article, Academic Journal
Research Interests
Stroke, Ultrasound, Carotid artery disease, Sickle Cell Disease
Department Service
Professional Service
Neurology: Clinical Practice
2015 - Present
Role: Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound
2011 - Present
Role: Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases
2011 - Present
Role: Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular disease
2005 - Present
Role: Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
2000 - Present
Role: Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer