Get to know your colleagues

Paris 2016

Fun and games, trips and planes—The AU Faculty Club has revved up for another year of laughing and socializing.

There is something for every faculty member, from baseball games and wine and cheese fests to traveling abroad to beaches and museums. Every month we host an “After Hours” at a local pub or restaurant to unwind and catch up with our colleagues. The club covers the snacks and you cover your suds.

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Be a co-creator of good times

Panama 2014


Grand Cayman

Grand Cayman

Costa Rica 2012

Costa Rica

We've expanded our horizons with lectures on other cultures, sated our curiosity with a tour of the Georgia Cancer Center, cheered mightily for our GreenJackets and "our" horse at the Kentucky Derby, and laughed at countless After-Hours. Come join the fun!

We work hard and we relax with equal enthusiasm. Get to know your colleagues in other colleges. Your membership is for two, which doubles the fun. Please join us this year!

The Faculty Club awards health sciences scholarships.