This program is offered fully online.
The Education Specialist in Advanced Educational Studies allows candidates to build upon existing knowledge and skills as a practitioner. Education Specialist degree completers possess advanced knowledge and skills to develop and design curriculum, implement instructional methods that are data-driven and responsive, and assess instructional practices that facilitate student learning. Also, candidates will gain the ability to use fundamental applied research methods informed by theory and inquiry to address everyday, practical educational problems. Required Coursework 30 credit hours (Program Information).
Check out our Urban Education Endorsement! The endorsement consists of three courses that can be used to satisfy your elective requirements.
Urban Education: Endorsement Flyer | Information Sheet
Summer 2025 Come With Us to study abroad in South Africa!
**Please note course credits for completed RESA endorsements are no longer available beginning with the Spring 2025 semester.
In order for an individual to be considered the online application and all materials must be received on or before the deadlines below.
Fall Application: June 2nd
Spring Application: November 2nd
Summer: March 2nd
Program Info: Admissions RequirementsCourse Requirements
For questions about the Ed.S. degree program:
Program Coordinator: Dr. Rebecca Rohloff
Mac System Requirements |
Operating System: Processor: RAM/Memory:
Also Recommended (but not required):
PC System Requirements |
Operating System: Processor: RAM/Memory:
Also Recommended (but not required):
How long does it take to complete the program?
Most students complete all ten courses in three or four semesters. This can be accomplished by taking three courses in the fall and spring semesters and four in the summer. It does not matter which semester you enter the program, this is just the number you would take per semester. If you would like to take longer, and fewer courses per semester, this is fine.
I am currently enrolled in a Master’s program. Can I still apply to begin in an upcoming semester,even though my degree and my transcript are incomplete?
All required application materials and documents must be received in order for an application to be considered complete and before an admission decision can be made. If you are currently enrolled in a Master's degree program your transcript is not finalized and your certificate is not a level T5. You should wait and submit your final, complete documents for admission for the next semester.
What is the coursework like?
Each professor makes his/her classes their own, so they are all a little different. Some are structured more like independent studies, and others are more interactive. Assignments lean toward traditional reading and writing, but there are some that ask you to demonstrate your understanding in other ways. Some courses do make use of group work.
Do we ever meet synchronously?
The whole program is asynchronously online, with no set, shared meeting times. Most professors post videos or notes for you to review on your own schedule. Professors are happy to make themselves available to clear up points of confusion. And, some courses ask you to occasionally work with others in a small group, which might take the form of a shared virtual meeting.
Can my Ed.S. coursework count toward a doctoral degree?
Any course can only count in one degree program. It is not likely that you will complete
your Ed.S. (which is a ten-course sequence) with extra courses that could count in
a doctorate. The Ed.S. does not “roll over” into a doctoral program; it is its own
How much are tuition and fees?
Tuition information can be found here. Fees for our fully online program are $236.00 per credit hour.
What are the start and end dates for each semester?
The academic calendar can be found here.
I am a full-time working teacher. Can I still complete the program in three semesters?
Yes, the program is designed for working teachers. We love learning from and with you about your students and classrooms!
Augusta University offers several online degree, certificate, and endorsement programs. These programs are designed to meet the criteria for certification, endorsement, and advancement in the subject matter and grade level classifications established by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. Each state board establishes their own criteria for teacher/leader certification, which, in addition to educational requirements, may include (but are not limited to) testing requirements, mandatory certifications, minimum years in service, background checks, applications and fees. For questions relating to state board requirements for certification in your state, please contact the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.
Federal Regulation 34 CFR 668.43 (a) (5) (v) and 34 CFR 66.43 (c) require disclosure by all educational institutions regarding educational requirements for programs leading to professional licensure or certification. Please carefully review the information provided in the program's disclosure statement for the Ed.S in Advanced Educational Studies.