Overview of Graduate Degrees Offered

Master of Science in Oral Biology

Program goals are to provide research opportunities applying the scientific method to an oral health problem and provide graduate-level didactic instruction in the basic sciences. For students with a clinical degree, the research component and didactic instruction enhance understanding of the clinical courses in dental specialty residency programs.

Doctor of Philosophy with a major in Oral Biology and Maxillofacial Pathology

  • The Oral Biology and Maxillofacial Pathology program focuses on biological processes that contribute to normal development and disease processes of the oro-facial complex. Based in the Dental College of Georgia, this interdisciplinary program spans the spectrum of biomedical sciences specialties to include Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pharmacology and Pathology. The oral biology investigators have a wide range of research interests including oral cancer, bone metabolism, tissue regeneration, properties and biocompatibility of biomedical materials, oxidative stress and inflammation, diabetes and hypertension.

Admission Requirements

Combined M.S./D.M.D. and PhD./D.M.D. programs require admission to the Dental College of Georgia as a dental student. At the end of the second year of dental school, the student begins a course of study working toward the graduate degree requirements. The student then re-enters the dental school to complete the D.M.D. degree requirements. Requirements include:

  • DDS, DMD or equivalent degree preferred
  • GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • GRE score of 900 or higher (sum of verbal and quantitative) for M.S. or 1000 or higher for PhD. Master of Science applicants can substitute completion of Dental National Board, Part I (pass) or above instead of GRE
  • TOEFL score of at least 550 paper-based, 213 computer-based or 79 internet-based (if first language is not English)
  • Three references from individuals qualified to assess prior academic and research performance

For the most current information about the program call (706) 721-2526, e-mail gradadm@augusta.edu or visit our Academic Catalog.



Visit Admissions for more information on applications. 

Office of Academic Admissions
Benet House
1120 15th Street
Augusta, GA 30912
Telephone: 706-737-1632
Fax: 706-667-4355