Yoga for Beginners, YouTube Introduction to basic asana. 40 min. home practice for beginners.
Yoga Journal Yoga Journal article describing various types of yoga
Yoga for Stress Reduction
Help Finding the relaxation exercises that work for you.
Bing Large selection of videos to guide you
Anxiety Slayer Calms the mind resulting in relaxation and increased ability to focus
Yoga Nidra, YouTube Yoga Nidra: Guided relaxation. A tool for deep body mind relaxation
Yoga Journal Daily mindfulness and gratitude practice to bring in positive energy before feeling stressed and dis-eased)
Mind Body Green Inversions for stress and anxiety. Advanced practice.
Yoga for Depression
Bing Soothing music for depression, stress relief and anxiety.
Yoga Off The Mat
Bring your yoga off the mat and into your daily life! Reduce tension and stress with something that comes quite naturally, your breath. Simple postural adjustments such as lengthening the spine, moving shoulders down and away from the ears, planting the feet for balance and support allow the inhalation and exhalation of the breath to become more complete which nurtures both body and mind. Whether sitting, standing or reclining we can bring awareness to our own breath to relax a wired mind or overly taxing thought process for renewed focus and clarity.
Gentle stretches to counter the effects of poor postures help relax muscular aches and pains. Moving joints by taking time to attend to their needs throughout the day befriends the body. Finding a balanced stance with a straight spine and uplifted heart is grounding and energizing.
We do not have to have mats to practice and receive the benefits of yoga!
5 office poses that won’t freak out your co-workers
8 seated poses you can do from a chair
5 seated poses you can do at your desk
Books and Journal Articles